
EANS-General Meeting: A-TEC Industries AG / Invitation to the General Meeting

Geschrieben am 25-09-2009

General meeting information transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Invitation to the extraordinary general meeting of the Company´s
shareholders, to be held at 10 a.m., 19 October 2009, at the Hilton
Vienna Hotel, Am Stadtpark 1, 1030 Vienna, with the following agenda

1. Resolution on amendment of the Articles of Association to comply
with the Aktienrechts-Änderungsgesetz 2009 (Companies [Amendment]

2. Resolution authorising the conferral on holders of the bonds
issued by the Company on 23 September 2009 with a total face value of
EUR110,000,000 (and additional bonds carrying such rights up to a
total face value of EUR10,000,000 in the event of exercise of the
over-allotment option by the lead manager) of rights to convert up to
an initial 7,452,575 bonds (or up to 8,130,082 bonds in the event of
full exercise of the over-allotment option) into bearer shares in the
Company of no par value representing an initial EUR7,452,575 (or
EUR8,130,082 in the event of exercise of the over-allotment option)
of the Company´s share capital, and simultaneously excluding the
subscription rights of shareholders with rights to convert these
bonds into shares in the Company under section 174(4) Aktiengesetz
([AktG] Companies Act) in conjunction with section 153 of that act.

3. Resolution on amendment of the resolution on the ninth item on the
agenda of the General Meeting held on 6 November 2006 as amended by
the General Meeting resolution adopted on 27 June 2008 regarding the
conditional capital increase, to the effect that the latter may also
be carried out if holders of other convertible bonds issued on the
basis of the resolution of the General Meeting adopted on 6 November
2006 exercise their conversion or subscription rights.

4. Resolution in accordance with section 159 AktG on a further
conditional increase of the Company´s share capital of up to
EUR3,100,000 by issuing up to 3,100,00 new bearer shares of no par
value for the purpose of granting conversion or subscription rights
to holders of convertible bonds. The conditional capital may be
issued in one or more tranches up to the maximum amount authorised.
The sole purpose of any capital increase is to permit the exercise of
conversion or subscription rights. The Supervisory Board is
authorised to resolve on amendments to the Articles of Association
arising from the issue of shares out of conditional capital.

5. Resolution on amendment of the resolution on the tenth item of the
agenda of the General Meeting held on 6 November 2006 as amended by
the General Meeting resolution adopted on 27 June 2008 authorising
the Management Board, subject to the approval of the Supervisory
Board, to increase the Company´s share capital by up to EUR2,000,000
in accordance with section 159(3) AktG by issuing up to 2,000,000
bearer shares of no par value for the purpose of granting share
options to employees, senior executives and members of the management
boards of the Company or Group companies to the effect that this
authorisation in accordance with section 159(3) AktG is limited to an
increase of EUR100,000 through the issue of up to 100,000 new bearer
shares of no par value.

6. Resolution amending Article 7(2) of the Articles of Association
with regard to the conditional capital increase to be resolved on
under the third and fourth agenda items to read:

"(2)(a) The Company´s General Meeting of 19 October 2009 resolved, in
accordance with section 159 AktG (section one hundred and fifty-nine), a
conditional increase in the Company´s share capital of up to EUR10,000,000 (ten
million euro) by issue up to 10,000,000 (ten million) new bearer shares of no
par value for the purpose of granting conversion or subscription rights to
holders of convertible bonds. The conditional capital may be issued in one or
more tranches up to the maximum amount authorised. The sole purpose of any
capital increase is to enable the holders of any convertible bonds issued to
exercise the conversion or subscription rights accorded to them. The Supervisory
Board is authorised to resolve on amendments to the Articles of Association
arising from the issue of shares out of conditional capital.
(b) The Company´s General Meeting of 19 October 2009 resolved, in accordance
with section 159 AktG (section one hundred and fifty-nine), a conditional
increase in the Company´s share capital of up to EUR3,100,000 (three million one
hundred thousand euro) by issue of up to 3,100,000 (three million one hundred
thousand) new bearer shares of no par value for the purpose of granting
conversion or subscription rights to holders of convertible bonds. The
conditional capital may be issued in one or more tranches up to the maximum
amount authorised. The sole purpose of any capital increase is to enable the
holders of any convertible bonds issued to exercise the conversion or
subscription rights accorded to them. The Supervisory Board is authorised to
resolve on changes to the Articles of Association arising from the issue of
shares out of conditional capital."

7. Resolution amending Article 7(3) of the Articles of Association
with regard to limitation of the authorisation under the fifth agenda
item to read:

"(3) The Management Board is authorised until 9 November 2011,
subject to the approval of the Supervisory Board, to increase the
Company´s share capital by up to EUR100,000 in accordance with
section 159(3) AktG by issuing up to 100,000 new bearer shares of no
par value for the purpose of granting share options to employees,
senior executives and members of the management boards of the Company
or Group companies. The conditional capital may be issued in one or
more tranches up to the maximum amount authorised. The sole purpose
of any capital increase is to permit the holders of share options to
exercise their options. The amount of the issue and the conversion
ratio shall be established according to a generally accepted price
determination procedure based on recognised investment mathematical
methods and the market price of the Company´s no par shares (basis of
calculation of issue price). The issue price may not be less that the
proportion of the Company´s share capital that it represents. The
Management Board is authorised, subject to the Supervisory Board´s
approval, to determine the further details of the implementation of
the conditional capital increase. The Supervisory Board is authorised
to resolve on amendments to the Articles of Association arising from
the issue of shares out of conditional capital."

Inspection of documents (section 106[4] AktG):

Pursuant to sections 108(3-5) AktG, the relevant documents may be
inspected by shareholders at the Company´s registered office from the
21st day before the General Meeting, and are also posted on the
Company´s website at www.a-tecindustries.com. This also applies to
copies of agenda item petitions submitted to the Management Board,
the bond issue terms and conditions, and the proposed amendments to
the Articles of Association to comply with the
Aktienrechts-Änderungsgesetz 2009.

Notice concerning certain rights of shareholders (section 106[5]

- Shareholders whose holdings represent a combined total of five per
cent of the Company´s share capital may require the inclusion and
announcement of items in the agenda of the next general meeting. Each
agenda item petition must be accompanied by a draft resolution,
including justifications. Petitioners must have been shareholders for
at least three months prior to submitting petitions. In the event of
an extraordinary general meeting, a shareholder petition to amend the
agenda must be received by the Company by the 19th day before such
general meeting. The amended agenda must be announced in the same way
as the original agenda, by the 14th day before the general meeting.
Section 107(3) AktG requires listed companies to make such
announcements by the second weekday after the 19th day before an
extraordinary general meeting, and to post the amended agenda,
including any justifications, on its website from that day on.

- Shareholders whose holdings represent a combined total of one per
cent of the Company´s share capital may submit written draft
resolutions to the Company regarding any item on the agenda and may
require that these be posted on the Company´s website together with
the name(s) of the shareholders concerned, the attached
justifications and any opinions expressed by the management or
supervisory boards. Such requirement must be received by the Company
by the seventh weekday before the general meeting, i.e. by 8 October

- Every shareholder has the right to request information regarding
Company matters at the general meeting, provided that such
information is necessary for the proper assessment of agenda items.
Information may be denied if, among other reasons, it has been
available on the Company´s website in question and answer form for a
minimum of seven days continuously before commencement of the general

In the interests of efficient meetings, questions the answers to
which require extended preparation should be submitted in writing to
the Company well in advance of the general meeting. Petitions and
questions shall be sent to the Company at Wächtergasse 1/3/1, 1010
Vienna or faxed (+43 [0]1 22760160) or e-mailed
(ir@a-tecindustries.com) for the attention of Gerald Wechselauer.
Information regarding shareholders´ rights under sections 109, 110
and 118 AktG is also posted on the Company's website at

Record date and conditions for attendance of general meetings
(section 106[6 and 7] AktG):

By reason of the AktRÄG 2009, the current provisions in the Articles
of Association regarding convocation and depositing of shares do not
apply. Under section 111(1) AktG, as amended by AktRÄG 2009,
entitlement to attend the General Meeting and to exercise
shareholders´ rights is conditional on shareholdings at the end of
the tenth day before the General Meeting (record date), i.e.
shareholdings at the end of 9 October 2009.

Shareholders wishing to attend the General Meeting and exercise
voting rights must provide evidence to the Company of their
shareholdings on the record date.

As evidence of shareholdings on the record date, a deposit
confirmation issued by the bank where the shares are deposited and
which is domiciled in a member state of the European Economic Area or
in a full OECD member country is sufficient for bearer shares
deposited in a securities account (see section 10a AktG) provided
that it is received by the Company by the third weekday before the
General Meeting. For bearer shares which are not deposited in a
securities account, written confirmation from a notary public is
sufficient, provided that it is received by the Company by the third
weekday before the General Meeting.

Evidence of shareholdings on the record date must be sent to the
Company at Wächtergasse 1/3/1, 1010 Vienna or faxed (+43 [0]1
22760160) or e-mailed (ir@a-tecindustries.com) for the attention of
Gerald Wechselauer.

Option of appointing a representative (section 106[8] AktG):

Voting rights may be exercised by proxies by virtue of written
authorisations held by the Company. A proxy may either be a natural
or a legal person, attends the General Meeting on behalf of the
shareholder, and has the same rights as the shareholder represented.
Proxies may be faxed (+43 [0]1) 22760160) or e-mailed
(ir@a-tecindustries.com) for the attention of Gerald Wechselauer.

Notice pursuant to section 83(2)(1) Börsengesetz ([BörseG] Stock
Exchange Act) and section 106(9) AktG:

At the time of convocation of the General Meeting, the share capital
of the Company amounted to EUR26,400,000 and was divided into
26,400,000 bearer shares of no par value. Each share confers the
right to one vote. The Company does not hold any of its own shares.

Vienna, September 2009
The Management Board

Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: A-TEC Industries AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Contact Investor Relations:

Gerald Wechselauer

Phone: +43 1 22760 - 130

Email: ir@a-tecindustries.com

Press Office A-TEC Industries AG

Claudia Müller-Stralz

Pleon Publico Public Relations & Lobbying

Phone: +43-1-71786-107

E-Mail: claudia.mueller@pleon-publico.at

Branche: Holding companies
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wien / Regulated free trade


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