
EANS-Stimmrechte: REpower Systems AG / Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 Satz 1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung

Geschrieben am 12-06-2009

Stimmrechtsmitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer
europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich.

Angaben zum Mitteilungspflichtigen:
Name: siehe Mitteilungstext
Sitz: siehe Mitteilungstext
Staat: siehe Mitteilungstext

Angaben zum Emittenten:
Name: REpower Systems AG
Adresse: Überseering 10, 22297 Hamburg
Sitz: Hamburg
Staat: Deutschland


Die in der Mitteilung genannten Gesellschaften/Personen haben uns
folgene Stimmrechtsmitteilungen übermittelt:

"1. We hereby notify you in accordance with Sec. 25 para. 1 of the German
Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - "WpHG") in the name and on
behalf of SE Drive Technik GmbH,Bochum, Germany, that on 5 June 2009 SE Drive
Technik GmbH fell below the thresholds of 75%, 50%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10% and
5% in financial instruments entitling to acquire voting shares in REpower
Systems AG, Überseering 10, 22297 Hamburg, Germany ("REpower") and neither
directly nor indirectly held any such financial instruments. On that day, the
number of voting rights in REpower which SE Drive Technik GmbH was entitled to
directly or indirectly acquire on the basis of financial instruments directly or
indirectly held by it amounted to 0 voting rights, corresponding to 0.00% of the
voting rights in REpower.

2. We further notify you in accordance with Sec. 25 para. 1 WpHG in the
name and on behalf of AE-Rotor Holding BV, Hengelo Ov, The Netherlands, that on
5 June 2009 AE-Rotor Holding BV fell below the thresholds of 75%, 50%, 30%, 25%,
20%, 15%, 10% and 5% in financial instruments entitling to acquire voting shares
in REpower and neither directly nor indirectly held any such financial
instruments. On that day, the number of voting rights in REpower which AE-Rotor
Holding BV was entitled to directly or indirectly acquire on the basis of
financial instruments directly or indirectly held by it amounted to 0 voting
rights, corresponding to 0.00% of the voting rights in REpower.

3. We further notify you in accordance with Sec. 25 para. 1 WpHG in the
name and on behalf of Suzlon Wind Energy Limited,London EC2A 3AY, United
Kingdom, that on 5 June 2009 Suzlon Wind Energy Limited fell below the
thresholds of 75%, 50%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10% and 5% in financial instruments
entitling to acquire voting shares in REpower and neither directly nor
indirectly held any such financial instruments. On that day, the number of
voting rights in REpower which Suzlon Wind Energy Limited was entitled to
directly or indirectly acquire on the basis of financial instruments directly or
indirectly held by it amounted to 0 voting rights, corresponding to 0.00% of the
voting rights in REpower.

4. We further notify you in accordance with Sec. 25 para. 1 WpHG in the
name and on behalf of Suzlon Energy Limited, Port Louis, Mauritius, that on 5
June 2009 Suzlon Energy Limited fell below the thresholds of 75%, 50%, 30%, 25%,
20%, 15%, 10% and 5% in financial instruments entitling to acquire voting shares
in REpower and neither directly nor indirectly held any such financial
instruments. On that day, the number of voting rights in REpower which Suzlon
Energy Limited, Mauritius, was entitled to directly or indirectly acquire on the
basis of financial instruments directly or indirectly held by it amounted to 0
voting rights, corresponding to 0.00% of the voting rights in REpower.

5. We further notify you in accordance with Sec. 25 para. 1 WpHG
in the name and on behalf of Suzlon Energy Limited, Ahmedabad, India
("Suzlon"), that on 5 June 2009 Suzlon fell below the thresholds of
75%, 50%, 30%, 25%, 20%, 15%, 10% and 5% in financial instruments
entitling to acquire voting shares in REpower and neither directly
nor indirectly held any such financial instruments. On that day, the
number of voting rights in REpower which Suzlon was entitled to
directly or indirectly acquire on the basis of financial instruments
directly or indirectly held by it amounted to 0 voting rights,
corresponding to 0.00% of the voting rights in REpower.

6. We further notify you in accordance with Sec. 25 para. 1 WpHG
in the name and on behalf of the individuals, companies and hindu
undivided families ("HUF") listed hereinafter (together the "Suzlon
Shareholder Group"), that on 5 June 2009 each member of the Suzlon
Shareholder Group fell below the thresholds of 75%, 50%, 30%, 25%,
20%, 15%, 10% and 5% in financial instruments entitling to acquire
voting shares in REpower and neither directly nor indirectly held any
such financial instruments. On that day, the number of voting rights
in REpower which the Suzlon Shareholder Group was entitled to
directly or indirectly acquire on the basis of financial instruments
directly or indirectly held by them amounted to 0 voting rights,
corresponding to 0.00% of the voting rights in REpower. The members
of the Suzlon Shareholder Group are the following:

|Name |Registered seat or domicile

Tanti Holdings Limited |Ahmedabad-380009, India

Sugati Holdings Private
Limited |Pune-411036, India

Sanman Holdings Private
Limited |Pune-411036, India

Suruchi Holdings Private
Limited |Pune-411036, India

Samanvaya Holdings Private
Limited |Pune-411036, India

Tulsi R. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Girish R. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Lina J. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Sangita V. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Rambhaben Ukabhai |Pune-411036, India

Gita T. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Nidhi T. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Jitendra R. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Vinod R. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Brij J. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Rajan V. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Trisha J. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Pranav T. Tanti |Pune-411036, India

Ranchhodbhai Ramjibhai HUF |
with head (karta) Tulsi |Pune-411036, India
R.Tanti and further members | |
Rambhaben Ukabhai, Vinod | |
R.Tanti, Jitendra R.Tanti, | |
Girish R.Tanti, Gita T.Tanti,| |
Sangita V.Tanti, Lina | |
J.Tanti, Pranav T.Tanti, | |
Nidhi T.Tanti, Rajan V.Tanti,| |
Brij J.Tanti, Trisha J.Tanti,| |
Esha G.Tanti | |

Tulsi Ranchhodbhai HUF with |
head |Pune- 411036, India |

(karta) Tulsi R.Tanti and |
further members Gita T.Tanti,| |
Pranav T.Tanti, Nidhi T.Tanti| |
Vinod Ranchhodbhai HUF with |
head (karta) Vinod R.Tanti |Pune-411036, India
and further members Sangita | |
V.Tanti and Rajan V.Tanti | |
Jitendra Ranchhodbhai HUF |
with head (karta) Jitendra |Pune-411036, India
R.Tanti and further members | |
Lina J.Tanti, Brij J.Tanti | |
and Trisha J.Tanti | |
Girish Ranchhodbhai HUF with |
head (karta) Girish R.Tanti |Pune-411036, India
and further member Esha | |
G.Tanti | |"

Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: REpower Systems AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


Branche: Alternativ-Energien
ISIN: DE0006177033
WKN: 617703
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Quotrix
Börsen: Berlin / Open Market (Freiverkehr)
Hamburg / Open Market (Freiverkehr)
Stuttgart / Open Market (Freiverkehr)
Düsseldorf / Open Market (Freiverkehr)
München / Open Market (Freiverkehr)
Frankfurt / Regulierter Markt/Prime Standard


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