
EANS-News: CompuGROUP Holding AG / CompuGROUP announces plans to market a gematik-compatible connector for family-doctor-based medical care and the online phase of the German electronic health card.

Geschrieben am 05-06-2009

CompuGROUP Holding AG, one of the leading e-health service providers
in the world, is actively involving itself in the upcoming telematics
infrastructure market for the German healthcare sector and is about
to launch the production of connectors in collaboration with KoCo
Connector AG of Berlin. Plans call for production of a connector for
the family-doctor-based medical care system in Baden-Württemberg in
the near term. The release of a fully functional connector for the
online phase of the implementation of the German electronic health
card is envisioned for the second half of 2009.

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

new product/gematik-compatible connector

Koblenz (euro adhoc) - Following a rigorous commercial and technical
analysis of suppliers in the connector market (data security,
handling and features in practice), CompuGROUP and KoCo Connector
have formed a close alliance devoted to connector marketing and

CompuGROUP is convinced that the KoCo Box developed by KoCo Connector
is technically superior in terms of system architecture, overall
concept and individual components. By ensuring that data can be
exchanged with optimum security, the unit will clear the way for
physicians to treat patients with confidence even before a
gematik-compatible telematics infrastructure is fully implemented.

The connector is the key component in the system that connects all
participants in the healthcare system. Moreover, the KoCo Box offers
the distinct advantage of cost-effective production, and will thus
offer healthcare providers an excellent price-performance ratio.

During the first phase, the KoCo Box will be offered to family
doctors in Baden- Württemberg for use as a connector. By the end of
2009, the KoCo Box will be available in a version which fully
complies with gematik specifications for the online phase of the
German electronic health card implementation. Certification is
expected by March 2010 at the latest.

"We are convinced that we have found the leading product in the KoCo
connector and are very pleased to be able to offer the unit to our
customers, thereby enabling them to establishing a trouble-free, high
performance connection to the telematics infrastructure. We also
intend to offer physicians added-value online applications that will
help improve the quality of medical treatment while reducing costs in
the healthcare sector at the same time. The connector will play a key
role in enhancing efficiency in the healthcare system", explains
Frank Gotthardt, Chief Executive Officer of CompuGROUP Holding AG.

Norbert Kollack, founder and CEO of KoCo Connector AG, also
emphasizes the tremendous importance of the alliance: "We are
extremely pleased that CompuGROUP has expressed its confidence in us
and now plans to offer our connector to its customers, who represent
more than 45% of all healthcare providers in Germany. Equally
important to us is the fact that CompuGROUP is the leading provider
of solutions in many different fields of medical care, which means
that the process of connecting all healthcare providers can progress
even more rapidly and efficiently."

About CompuGROUP Holding AG CompuGROUP Holding AG is one of the
leading e-health companies in the world. Its software products
designed to support medical and organizational activities in
physicians' surgeries and hospitals, its information services for all
parties involved in the health sector and its Web-based personal
medical files contribute to the development of a more reliable and
efficient health service system. The basis for the services offered
by CompuGROUP is an unparalleled customer base comprising some
326,000 physicians, dentists, hospitals and networks, as well as
other service providers. CompuGROUP is the e-health company with the
widest global reach among service providers. The firm operates in 14
European countries, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the U.S.
and currently employs roughly 2,700 people.

About KoCo Connector AG KoCo Connector AG was founded by Norbert
Kollack and Dr. Albert Coenen in August 2007. In its core business
field, the firm has developed a specification- compliant serial
connector - one of the most important components of the telematics
infrastructure for the German electronic health card.

Point of contact for editorial offices:

CompuGROUP Holding AG
Frank Fuchs
Vice President Regional Organisation
Telephone:+49 (261) 80 00 1279
Telefax: +49 (261) 80 00 3279
E-mail: presse-de@compugroup.com

KoCo Connector AG
Norbert Kollack
Telephone:+49 (30) 27 890 381
Telefax: +49 (30) 27 890 394
E-mail: norbert.kollack@kococonnector.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: CompuGROUP Holding AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Barbara Zörner

Tel.: 0261-8000 1293

E-Mail: bzo@compugroup.com

Branche: Software
ISIN: DE0005437305
WKN: 543730
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Hamburg / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade
München / free trade


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