
EANS-Adhoc: Triplan AG / Results first Quarter 2009

Geschrieben am 13-05-2009

ad-hoc disclosure pursuant to section 15 of the WpHG transmitted by euro
adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. The issuer is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

3-month report


/// Revenues: +11.6 percent up to 12,058 TEUR (previous year: 10,801
TEUR) /// EBIT: -28.5 percent up to 806 TEUR (previous year: 1,127
TEUR) /// Cash: -10.5 percent up to 5,521 TEUR (previous year: 6,168
TEUR) /// Unchanged prognosis 2009: Revenues 49.0 Mio. EUR / EBIT:
3.0 Mio. EUR

Bad Soden, May 13th, 2009: TRIPLAN AG (ISIN: DE 0007499303) releases
the first quarter result 2009. Hereafter, the group boosts its
revenues in the period January 1st to March 31th 2009 from 10,801
TEUR in the previous year quarter by 11.6 percent up to 12,058 TEUR.
The segment Engineering contributed 11,382 TEUR (previous year:
10,112 TEUR / +12.5 percent), the segment Technology Services 814
TEUR (previous year: 797 TEUR / +2.1 percent) to the group revenues.
The overall performance amounts as at March 31 2009 13,068 TEUR
(previous year: 11,825 TEUR / +10.5 percent). EBIT declined from
1,127 TEUR in the period of the previous year by 28.5 percent down to
806 TEUR. The resean for the decline in EBIT is traced back mainly to
a superior first quarter 2008, that is - due to a high project
settlement - not directly comparable to the first quarter 2009. The
EBIT-margin in the amount of 6.7 percent (previous year: 10.4
percent) accords to the planning of the management board and reflects
the general going concern of the group. The net profit amounts as of
balance sheet day 760 TEUR (previous year: 887 TEUR). This answers to
an earnings per share of 0,08 EUR (previous year: 0,09 EUR). With
total assets of 26,200 TEUR (previous year: 21,715 TEUR) the equity
ratio as of March 31th 2009 is 58.6 percent after 59.3 percent to the
period of the first quarter 2008. The group cash position was as at
March 31 2009 with 5,521 TEUR lightly under the year-ago quarter of
6,168 TEUR. The decline of 10.5 percent reflects outstanding payment
transactions of customers, that can be traced back mainly to the
valuation date view March 31 2009 and the due payment date of the

With the position of the TRIPLAN AG in the industries Life Science,
Refinery/Petrochemical, Chemical/Industrial and Energy as well as the
involvement in a multiplicy of national and international projects
the management board looks ahead confident to the full-year
development 2009. TRIPLAN forecasts - despite the challenging
prognostiziert economic basic conditions - unchanged group revenues
of 49.0 Mio. EUR and an EBIT of 3,0 Mio. EUR fort he business year

From May 14, 2009 the quarterly report 2009 can be downloaded under
www.triplan.com in the investor relations segment.

The Management Board

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: Triplan AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:

Arno Hausburg

Tel.: +49 (0)6196 6092 177

E-Mail: arno.hausburg@triplan.com

Branche: Heavy Engineering
ISIN: DE0007499303
WKN: 749930
Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard
Berlin / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Düsseldorf / free trade


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