

Geschrieben am 12-05-2009

ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this


Following a suspected criminal case in the autumn of 2008, during the
2009 financial year AvW Invest AG has been focusing on consolidation
in order to return to its successful performance in the core business
as soon as possible. Against the backdrop of the difficulties on the
international financial markets, the results of the first quarter of
2009 reflect the difficult situation but also the intensive efforts
which are underway on behalf of investors.

Operating income declined to EUR 22,979 (Q1 2008: EUR 4.891 million),
while profit on ordinary activities (POA) declined to EUR -1.787
million (Q1 2008: EUR 2.866 million). Overall, the first quarter of
2009 closed with a net result of EUR -1.609 million (Q1 2008: EUR
1.920 million)

EUR First quarter 2009 First quarter 2008

Sales revenues 166 4,847,586
Operating income 22,979 4,891,069
Profit on ordinary
activities (POA) -1,786,731 2,865,900
Net result -1.608.587 1,920,399
Balance sheet profit 2,288,289 26,648,981
Balance sheet total 25,866,988 67,271,227
Equity 17,305,427 53,120,651
Earnings/share -0.53 0.64

Notes regarding the table: Financial reporting has been prepared
according to IFRS. Due to the surrender of the WAG license in October
2008, classifications pursuant to the Austrian Banking Act were not
used. As a result, the provisions of the Austrian Business Enterprise
Code apply to the first quarter of 2009. The values of the previous
year´s quarter have been adjusted accordingly.

Sales revenues declined from EUR 4.848 million to EUR 165.88 due to
the removal of the key segment of financial services. This segment
was suspended after the company voluntarily surrendered its WAG
license at the end of October 2008 as a result of a suspected case of
breach of trust. In addition, the continued financial crisis also
made it necessary to apply significant write-downs in the amount of
EUR 1.453 million to financial assets.

During the 2009 financial year, AvW Invest AG has been placing its
entire focus on consolidation following the suspected breach of
trust, as well as on a gradual processing of its effects. In the
equity participation area, AvW Invest AG aims to utilise the volatile
situation on financial markets to implement further additions and
adjustments to the portfolio on a step-by-step basis. In addition to
the areas industry and commodities, emphasis will again be placed on
the IT sector.

The complete shareholders´ report on the first quarter of 2009 can be
found on our website at www.avw.eu.

About AvW Invest AG:

AvW Invest AG (ISIN Number: AT0000930409, Reuters: AVWI.VI , XETRA
Vienna: AWS), with registered offices in Krumpendorf am Wörthersee,
focuses on two central business segments: equity participations and
real estate. AvW shares are listed in the Standard Market Auction
segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

end of announcement euro adhoc

ots Originaltext: AvW Invest AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Further inquiry note:


Mag. Brigitte Burger

Tel.: 04229/3621-24


Branche: Financial & Business Services
ISIN: AT0000930409
WKN: 892661
Index: Standard Market Auction
Börsen: Frankfurt / free trade
Stuttgart / free trade
Wien / official dealing


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