
DuCool introduces the DuHybrid Series/Cooling and dehumidification utilizing solar thermal energy and waste heat

Geschrieben am 23-04-2009

Munich (ots) - DuCool is proud to present the DuHybrid (DB) Series
which utilize solar thermal energy and waste heat to generate cooling
and dehumidification.

The DuHybrid is the ultimate combination of the DuTreat (DT)
Series - units powered by a compressor and the DuHandling (DH) Series
- units utilizing Renewable Energy sources.

The default operational mode of the DuHybrid unit is using
Renewable Energy sources. The unit will alternate automatically
between the Renewable Energy and the compressor modes, depending on
the availability of the external energy.

Renewable Energy (RE) Mode - Ensures maximum efficiency by
utilizing Renewable Energy (RE) sources (cold & hot water) when
available. Energy is harvested from a waste heat sources such as
chillers, cogeneration systems, solar thermal systems and geothermal
wells. Electrical (E) Mode - Used only when Renewable Energy sources
are not available or insufficient.

Reduction in energy consumption and costs can reach over 60%1
compared to a standard HVAC system. In comparison with a
conventional HVAC system the conventional system will create
conditions of 20-21 ºC (68º-70 ºF) and approx. 50-55% RH, while with
DuCool conditions will be 24.5 ºC (76 ºF) and 40-45% RH, the optimal
conditions according to industrial standards.

The DuCool units can be added to existing HVAC systems.

The combination will results in:

- A 8 - 14ºF (4.5 - 7.8ºC) increase of the
chilled water temperature, reducing the energy consumption
and costs by over 60% (1),
- Independent control of temperature and humidity -
increased comfort conditions.
- Improves IAQ - creates healthier working conditions
- Eliminates 91±5% of the airborn microorganism
- Removes 80±5% of all particles larger than five microns

- Lower humidity levels - prevents moisture related property

Note: (1) Subject to Renewable Energy source

About DuCool

DuCool is a private company based in the northern part of Israel.
DuCool's systems cool, heat, dehumidify, disinfect and clean the air
while providing independent control of temperature and humidity.
DuCool's solutions are powered by renewable energy sources such as
solar thermal panels, geothermal water or available low grade waste
heat, providing considerable savings to commercial and industrial
users. DuCool systems utilize a patented liquid desiccant process for
dehumidification and air conditioning that is considerably more
efficient and effective than other standard heating/ventilation/air
conditioning (HVAC) solutions. DuCool systems can be configured as a
standalone solution or they can be coupled with existing conventional
systems to provide a superior energy saving solution.

Originaltext: DuCool Ltd.
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press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_75277.rss2

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