
Lufthansa Technik sets up Completion Center at Bizjet in the USA

Geschrieben am 06-10-2008

Hamburg (ots) -

- More capacity for A318 Elites
- Customer demand continues to rise

Lufthansa Technik is increasing its capacity for customized
completions of VIP and business aircraft by setting up a single-aisle
completion line at its American subsidiary Bizjet in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The new facility will begin outfitting Airbus A318 Elites with
individually customized cabins from 2009 onwards. Later it will also
provide extra capacity for other aircraft, the company announced on
October 5 at the world's largest business aviation convention, NBAA
2008, in Orlando.

The demand for VIP and executive jet completions is so strong that
the Completion Center in Hamburg cannot handle all orders on its own.
The present need to expand production capacities in this area is due,
in particular, to the market success of the Airbus A318 Elite
program, in which Lufthansa Technik is Airbus' contracted completion

So far, Lufthansa Technik has delivered three A318 Elites, and it
is currently working on four more aircraft of this type in Hamburg.
In May 2009, completion will begin on the first A318 Elite in Tulsa,
where three single-aisle completion lines will be ready for use by

"Involving our experienced and renowned provider of technical
services for VIP and business aircraft in the USA will enable us to
continue offering the completion capacity demanded by the market",
said August Wilhelm Henningsen, Chairman of the Executive Board of
Lufthansa Technik AG, in Orlando. "Our single-aisle completion lines
in Hamburg are already fully booked until 2012, but customer demand
is still growing."

Bizjet in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has been part of the Lufthansa Technik
Group since 2000 and offers the complete spectrum of MRO services for
VIP and business aircraft, plus comprehensive FBO (fixed base
operator) services. Although Bizjet has so far concentrated on the
Gulfstream, Falcon and Lear Jet models, it has a 32,000-m2 hangar
capacity with all the necessary workshops for servicing and
outfitting such aircraft as the Airbus Corporate Jetliner (ACJ)

This year, Bizjet has already processed and delivered two Boeing
Business Jets for a private and a government customer respectively.
In addition to maintenance work, the aircraft underwent major cabin
conversions, or modifications, and received a complete makeover of
their cabin entertainment systems. A third aircraft will be delivered
by the end of the year, likewise with a fully refurbished cabin.

The new completion site for medium to large business aircraft will
help Lufthansa Technik to strengthen its leading position in the VIP
and executive jet market. It will be able to use its capacities to
the full, continue to optimize its cost structure, and cater more
effectively for the individual needs of its customers from around the
world, while maintaining its usual high quality standards.

Lufthansa Technik:

The Lufthansa Technik Group, with 30 production sites and more
than 25,000 employees worldwide, is one of the leading
manufacturer-independent providers of services for the aviation
industry. In 2007, the Group's overall revenues stood at EUR 3.6
billion. Lufthansa Technik is licensed internationally as a repair,
production and development enterprise. The Group's services encompass
the entire spectrum of services in the areas of maintenance, repair,
overhaul, modification and conversion, engines and components.

Originaltext: Lufthansa Technik AG
digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/55257
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_55257.rss2

Lufthansa Technik AG
Corporate Communications
Weg beim Jaeger 193
22335 Hamburg, Germany
Phone +49-40-5070-3667
Fax +49-40-5070-8534

Corporate Headquarters:
Lufthansa Technik AG, Hamburg
Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 56865
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Stefan Lauer
Executive Board:
August Wilhelm Henningsen (Chairman)
Dr. Peter Jansen
Uwe Mukrasch
Dr. Thomas Stueger


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