Aareon AG as an SAP partner to the property sector at this year's CeBIT
Geschrieben am 01-03-2006 |
Mainz (ots) -
Blue Eagle release captures highest market share among all SAP-based property management solutions / New functionalities presented "live"
Aareon AG, Europe's leading consulting and IT systems house for the property industry, will be represented at CeBIT 2006 as an SAP partner for the mySAP Real Estate solution at the SAP booth from March 9 to 15, 2006. Aareon's presence as an SAP Business Partner at CeBIT once again underscores its successful strategic collaboration with SAP. In hall 4, booth D12, the focus will be on the latest release of Blue Eagle, the property management software from Aareon AG. Blue Eagle Release 3.0 is an integrated ERP system for handling all property management processes.
Live demonstrations and presentations of Blue Eagle
On March 9, at 2:00 p.m., visitors can experience the efficient management of property processes "live" during a Blue Eagle presentation. Experienced consultants will demonstrate the scope of application and the functionalities of Blue Eagle as part of the SAP partner forum in hall 4, booth D12, forum 3.
Since its official launch in January 2004, the software has been deployed by numerous customers. In Germany, companies managing a total of more than one million residential units have opted for Blue Eagle. The DEGEWO Group, Berlin, has been using the new solution since the beginning of the year.
Managing 90,000 rental units and 600 users, the DEGEWO Group is one of the largest residential property developers in Germany. The DEGEWO project is the biggest implementation of Blue Eagle in Germany to date.
"CeBIT is a key trade fair for us in the context of globalising markets. Given the increasing investments of foreign companies in German residential portfolios, the market demands new solutions which effectively support customers' business models. Our comprehensive range of products and services specifically caters to the needs of the industry," Dr. Manfred Alflen, chief executive officer of Aareon AG, said in the run-up to the fair. In future, Blue Eagle will be available not only in Germany but in Switzerland, France and Italy as well.
Personal discussions
To arrange a personal information talk during CeBIT with the press officer of Aareon AG, Ms. Anja Weidig, please contact the address below.
About Aareon AG:
Aareon AG, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aareal Bank AG, is Europe's leading consultancy and systems house for the property sector. The company's offerings include all important requirements for the management of residential and commercial real estate: consulting, software, services and support.
Almost 50,000 Aareon users across Europe manage some 8 million residential and commercial units. Aareon has offices in 20 locations (12 of them in Germany). Apart from Germany, Aareon AG is also represented in France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Poland and Switzerland. The consultancy and systems house has almost 1,100 employees, 20 percent of whom work outside of Germany. Headquartered in Mainz, Germany, the company recorded sales of approximately EUR 159.7 million and earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of EUR 12.3 million in 2004.
About Blue Eagle:
Blue Eagle is an integrated ERP system for handling all property management processes. The software is being developed in a long-term and strategic cooperation with SAP AG. Blue Eagle extends basic SAP modules with industry-specific add-ons. Only these add-ons ensure that industry processes are handled with maximum efficiency. A template developed by Aareon provides customers with an out-of-the-box system that is tailored to their specific processes. Integrated services ensure optimum communication by providing links to partners, suppliers and customers. This enables the creation of efficient and automated processes. Examples of these services include the integrated BKXL payment processing system, which was developed together with Aareal Bank exclusively for Blue Eagle; Mareon, the service portal for the property industry; and Aareon Energy Management for the recording and billing of heating and operating costs.
All Blue Eagle versions are available as an ASP (application service providing), hosting and in-house solution.
Aareon AG Im Münchfeld 1-5 55122 Mainz Germany
Contact: Anja Weidig Press officer Phone: +49 6131 301-357 Mobile: +49 160 8440010 Fax: +49 6131 301-870 E-Mail: Anja.Weidig@Aareon.com www.aareon.com
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