
Gorenje at the IFA 2008 fair (Berlin, August 29th-September 3rd 2008; Hall 1.1)

Geschrieben am 22-08-2008

Velenje (Slowenien) (ots) - Leading household manufacturers had
jointly decided to participate at the new international HOME
APPLIANCES @ IFA 2008 fair taking place from August 29th to September
3rd this year in Berlin. Among them is Gorenje which will take the
opportunity to present numerous novelties and innovations that exceed
the core requirement of convenience, topping it with innovative
design and many original technical features that open up the space
for new functionality. Thus, Gorenje remains faithfully dedicated to
its vision of a design-minded household appliance manufacturer whose
innovative and technologically advanced solutions dictate new trends.
At the IFA 2008 fair, the visitors will be invited to share the
thrillingly innovative new approaches and stories.

In Berlin, Gorenje Group will present a selection of novelties and
achievements of the recent years they are particularly proud of;
their exhibition area, measuring over 500 square metres, will be
located in Hall 1.1. The central feature presented at the fair will
be the new generation of cooking appliances that will see their debut
in Berlin. It is a comprehensive collection of kitchen appliances
available in two designer lines; in addition to appealing design,
they both boast numerous new patent-protected innovative technical
and user- and environment-friendly functional solutions that are
bound to entice the future users.

Also presented at the Berlin fair will be some interesting
conceptual projects aimed at bringing the use of household appliances
closer to the contemporary user and demonstrating how modern
information technology makes the use of household appliances
increasingly simple and fun - just the way tomorrow's users want it.

Novelties will also include the trendy Gorenje Ora-Ïto Collection
in white - the new tempting version of the Gorenje Ora-Ïto Black
Collection which, launched a good year and a half ago, soon won the
hearts of European users with the minimalist appearance typical of
its designer. The cult Wallpaper magazine even ranked it among the
five best household appliances of the past year; this year, it also
won the Plus X Award in the category of design.

Gorenje's orientation towards the future is further supported by
projects like Qube - a concept line of freestanding appliances that
introduce a small revolution into contemporary residential interior
design. Qube appliances excel with perfect ergonomics and attractive
'all-around' design which is an ideal concept for decorating open
attics of old bourgeois houses, lofts, and originally redecorated
apartments in defunct former industrial facilities, i.e. in settings
that are not defined by walled spaces. Completely freestanding Qube
appliances, combined with freestanding storage furniture, will create
a floating kitchen anywhere in an open space of a contemporary home.
They introduce a new culture of living and anticipate a maximum
revolution of minimalism.

These are only a few highlights from the Gorenje exhibition area
at the IFA 2008 fair taking place from August 29th to September 3rd
this year in Berlin. Gorenje awaits its visitors in the Hall 1.1,
with numerous deliciously innovative stories.


IFA is one of the largest consumer electronics fairs in the world.
It combines the innovation and technologies of the future with
business, sales, and entertainment. According to published
statistics, over 1,200 companies from 32 countries exhibited at IFA
2007, covering a net space of more than 103,000 square meters. Over
6,600 press representatives attended the IFA 2007, including 1,371
international reporters from 62 countries. Sales at the 2007 show
totaled EUR 2.75 billion. The number of trade visitors attending the
show in 2007 jumped by 7.5 percent to 101,358. Overall number of
attendees jumped by 5 percent to a total of 223,000. IFA is organized
by Messe Berlin and owned by Gesellschaft fur Unterhaltungs- und
Kommunikatlonselekronik (GFU). Messe Berlin produces regional,
national, and international trade shows, exhibitions and conventions.
GFU is the Association for Consumer and Communications Electronics.
As of this year, the IFA fair also includes the HOME APPLIANCES @ IFA
exhibition which will host all major large and small household
appliance manufacturers on a total area of 25,000 square metres.

Originaltext: Gorenje
digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/72444
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_72444.rss2

Greta Kokot Rajkovic, Product PR,
tel. +386 3 899 16 62, + 386 31 359 214,


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