

Geschrieben am 08-05-2008

London (ots/PRNewswire) - /OFF HOLD OFF HOLD OFF HOLD - Saxo
Bank A/S, PIV304208 The following release: "Saxo Bank Outperforms
the FX Industry" is now OFF HOLD. Distribution time: Immediate

Saxo Bank has won recognition as the fastest growing FX Bank of
the year at the annual Euromoney FX awards.

The award, for the US$100-250 billion a year client segment, was
presented last night at finance magazine Euromoney's annual FX market
awards dinner in London.

Founder and Co-CEO of Saxo Bank, Kim Fournais, attended the
ceremony and said the award highlighted the bank's strong performance
over the course of the year.

"It's great to win an award for being the fastest growing FX Bank
in the fastest growing industry.

Saxo Bank is growing fast with profits soaring 78% in 2007.
However, this is the first time we have received recognition of that
growth" says Fournais. "This prize is very important to us, because
it shows that we have the right product offering, at the right time
and is evidence of the fact that our strategy and hard work is
bearing fruit."

In addition to the prize, Saxo Bank moves to 23rd place in the
overall Global Market Share Ranking. JPMorgan, Lehman Brothers and
Dresdner Kleinwort also posted strong gains with Deutsche Bank once
again taking out the title as the largest FX bank by volume.

Despite a year that was marked by the global credit crises and
systemic banking problems, the global FX market continued to grow
throughout 2007 with turnover increasing by US$50 trillion, from
US$125 trillion in 2006 to US$175 trillion in 2007.

The award comes off the back of Saxo Bank's recently announcement
that it has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Tricom
Holdings Limited with a view to acquiring a 35 percent holding in the
Sydney-based brokerage.

Fournais adds that Tricom's current expansion into New Zealand,
Hong Kong and China is a perfect match with Saxo Bank's long-term
objectives, to help clients achieve their financial goals, via
offering first class prices, service and dependable human support, at
close hand. However, he believes that technology ultimately will
determine the winners of the FX industry.

"As spreads get tighter and tighter, it is going to be
increasingly difficult to make a profit. Therefore, to stay ahead of
the game, parties will need to have smarter trading systems, with
increased scalability and less latency", says Fournais.

For almost 30 years Euromoney's annual FX survey has been widely
regarded as the industry benchmark for the FX market. The award
polling took place between 18 January and 29 February and tallied
over 9,810 valid votes.

About Saxo Bank A/S

Saxo Bank A/S is a global investment bank specialising in online
investments in international Capital Markets. Saxo Bank enables
clients to trade currencies, shares, CFDs, futures, options and other
derivatives, as well as providing portfolio management via our online
trading platform, SaxoTrader. SaxoTrader has been developed by Saxo
Bank and is available to today's investor directly through Saxo Bank
or through one of our global partnerships, where it forms an integral
part of their infrastructure. One of Saxo Bank's significant areas of
business is White Labelling. This involves the bank's online trading
platform being customised and branded for other financial
institutions and brokers. Saxo Bank has more than 100 White Label
Partners and boasts thousands of clients in over 177 countries. The
bank's website http://www.saxobank.com receives approximately 65,000
visitors every day. Saxo Bank currently employs more than 1,300
employees from 62 different countries. Saxo Bank is headquartered in
Copenhagen with offices in London, Geneva, Zürich, Singapore and
Marbella. It also runs a representative office in Beijing and an IT
development centre in St. Petersburg.








ots Originaltext: Saxo Bank (Switzerland) SA
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Media inquiries: Kate Hage, Saxo Bank Corporate Communications,
+44-207-151-2025. Kirstine Kloster Andersen, Saxo Bank Corporate
Communications, +45-39-77-64-44


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