
Sierra Wireless Teams With Swisscom Mobile to Launch 3G HSDPA Wireless Network Cards

Geschrieben am 02-05-2006

Vancouver, Canada (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Sierra Wireless Wide Area Wireless Network Cards to Bring the
Latest in 3G Wireless Technology to Swisscom Mobile Customers

Sierra Wireless (NASDAQ: SWIR - TSX: SW) today announced it will
deliver 3G HSDPA wireless wide area network (WAN) cards to Swisscom
Mobile for use on the company's HSDPA network. Commercial shipments
are expected to commence during Q2, 2006. The Unlimited PC Card,
(also known as the AirCard(R) 850) is manufactured by Sierra
Wireless and is a 3G wireless WAN Type II PC Card with a slim,
unextended design, allowing users to conveniently store the card
inside the laptop. Fully functional on HSDPA, UMTS, EDGE, and GPRS
networks, the Unlimited PC Card utilizes the 2100 MHz UMTS frequency
band and is targeted primarily for use in Europe, offering average
data rates of 500 to 800 kbps, with bursts over 1 Mbps on HSDPA

In areas where HSDPA or UMTS network coverage is not available,
these cards will connect to EDGE and GSM/GPRS networks and enable
international roaming on all four frequency bands (850, 900, 1800,
and 1900 MHz) used worldwide. Swisscom Mobile's HSDPA network will
cover Berne, Geneva and Zurich by mid-2006, and Lausanne, Basle,
Lucerne and St. Gallen by the end of the year.

The network is being expanded on an ongoing basis and will cover
some 20 percent of the population by mid-2006, increasing to around
40 percent by the end of the year, and over the medium term will
achieve the same level of coverage as UMTS (currently 90 percent of
the population). "Wireless data technology continues to provide
significant benefits for our customers who need to stay connected to
critical information while they work away from the office," said
Andreas Manser, Senior Product Manager, Mobile Broadband for
Swisscom Mobile. "As part of our Mobile Unlimited service offering,
Sierra Wireless HSDPA PC Cards will enhance the experience of our
high-speed HSDPA data services so customers can stay connected to
server-based corporate applications, email, and the Internet,
including streaming audio and video files." "Busy professionals need
to be able to respond to their customers and colleagues quickly,
regardless of where they are," said Jim Lahey, Vice President, EMEA
for Sierra Wireless. "With the combination of a Sierra Wireless PC
Card and Swisscom Mobile's HSDPA network coverage, mobile
professionals will be able to stay connected and organize their work
and their time when traveling."

For more information on Swisscom Mobile please visit

For more information about Sierra Wireless products, please visit
http://www.sierrawireless.com/product/ac850.aspx or contact the
Sierra Wireless Sales Desk by calling +1-604-232-1488 or emailing

Note to Editors:

To view and download images of Sierra Wireless products, please
visit http://www.sierrawireless.com/product/photos.aspx.

(x) Subject to network availability and conditions

About Sierra Wireless

VANCOUVER, Canada, May 2 /PRNewswire/ --

Sierra Wireless (NASDAQ: SWIR - TSX: SW) develops and markets
reliable, high quality wireless communications products that provide
mobile professionals with data and voice access to wide area
wireless networks. The Sierra Wireless product portfolio includes
the award-winning AirCard(R) line of wireless PC cards, embedded
modules for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and the MP line
of rugged, vehicle-mounted wireless modems. Sierra Wireless also
offers professional services to OEM customers during product
development, leveraging the company's expertise in wireless design
and integration to provide built-in wireless connectivity for
notebook computers and other portable computing devices. For more
information about Sierra Wireless, please visit

"AirCard" is a registered trademark of Sierra Wireless. Other
product or service names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of
their respective owners.

Forward Looking Statements This press release contains
forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties.
These forward-looking statements relate to, among other things, plans
and timing for the introduction or enhancement of our services and
products, statements about future market conditions, supply
conditions, channel and end customer demand conditions, revenues,
gross margins, operating expenses, profits, and other expectations,
intentions, and plans contained in this press release that are not
historical fact. Our expectations regarding future revenues and
earnings depend in part upon our ability to successfully develop,
manufacture, and supply products that we do not produce today and
that meet defined specifications. When used in this press release,
the words "plan", "expect", "believe", and similar expressions
generally identify forward-looking statements. These statements
reflect our current expectations. They are subject to a number of
risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, changes in
technology and changes in the wireless data communications market. In
light of the many risks and uncertainties surrounding the wireless
data communications market, you should understand that we cannot
assure you that the forward-looking statements contained in this
press release will be realized.

ots Originaltext: Sierra Wireless, Inc.
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Sharlene Myers, Sierra Wireless, Phone: +1-604-232-1445, Email:
smyers@sierrawireless.com, www.sierrawireless.com


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