
5GAA live demos show C-V2X as a market reality (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 14-11-2019

Turin (ots) -

Smart mobility technology is a reality today, with 'Cellular
Vehicle-to-Everything' (C-V2X) allowing connected vehicles to communicate with
the cloud, directly with each other and their surroundings. Deployment plans are
primarily sustained by the global trend in the automotive industry to adopt 4G
LTE cellular technology, followed by the emerging 5G high-speed low latency
communications. Beyond infotainment, C-V2X will capitalize on vehicular and
smartphone connectivity to contribute to better safety, less congestion and
reduced emissions.

During a live demo event in Turin, the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA)
showcased ready to deploy use cases in the streets of the city and a sneak
preview of what the future has in store on the renowned Lingotto rooftop test

Prominent members and partners of the 5GAA including Audi, Continental,
Ericsson, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Harman Samsung, Marelli, Pirelli, Qualcomm,
TIM and Vodafone demonstrated the current state of C-V2X and the road to future,
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), and
Vehicle-to-Network (V2N) applications based on 4G LTE and 5G.

"Connected mobility is a market reality." says 5GAA Chief Technology Officer,
Dr. Maxime Flament. "The use cases demonstrated in the streets of Turin are
planned for deployment with a huge industry momentum based on the evolution path
to 5G capabilities."

Using both direct short-range communications and mobile networks, the open-road
demonstrations showcased the extensive capabilities of today's C-V2X technology,
ready for deployment. To name a few:

- Protecting vulnerable road users, for instance, by alerting drivers
about a pedestrian at a crossing using LTE-connected
- Smoothing traffic by allowing public authorities and road operators
to provide real-time warnings to drivers in urban environments
concerning roadworks or speed limits, via the network.
- Preventing incidents at dangerous intersections or in the event of
unexpected braking, thanks to C-V2X direct-short range
communications between vehicles.

The track demonstrations at Lingotto underlined the enhanced safety benefits
that can be expected thanks to the versatility of 5G and the wide range of
services it enables. To name a few:

- Vehicles will geo-tag dangerous areas for the following cars or
provide 'see-through' functions to avoid dangerous overtaking.
- Pedestrians will be detected directly via their smartphones and
surrounding vehicles will be warned.
- In case of accidents, emergency services will be able to visualize
the situation live using on-board cameras of surrounding vehicles,
improving response times and providing emergency responders
situational awareness prior to arriving at the crash scene.

Furthermore, Intel showcased an "In Vehicle Entertainment" demo at the Museum,
in collaboration with Marelli, TerraNet and Equinix, showing how Multi-Access
Edge Computing (MEC) can support immersive high-definition (HD) entertainment
for all occupants of a moving vehicle, including video streaming, gaming,
virtual reality (VR), office work, online education, advertisement.

A short summary on each of the 5GAA C-V2X use cases, demonstrated today in Turin

Demo 1 "Vulnerable Road Users": open road demos on safety

In this trial - which is part of Torino Smart Roads Initiative patronized by the
Municipality of Turin - TIM, Links Foundation and Luxoft showed how the
communication between the various actors moving along the roads can help in
detecting potentially dangerous situations. The goal of the demos was to
demonstrate how the 5G mobile network facilitates the protection of Vulnerable
Road Users: pedestrians ("Presence of a pedestrian on a crosswalk") and cyclists
("Presence of a connected bike on the road"). In the case of a pedestrian
approaching a crosswalk, a Roadside Unit connected to the mobile network,
equipped with a camera able to detect the event, sent a warning message to the
nearby connected vehicles (I2V communication). In the case of a connected bike
and a connected vehicle that are approaching each other, the two vehicles
received a warning message about their presence when a risk of collision is

Demo 2 "Urban Georeferenced Alerting" in open roads

TIM, FCA, Links Foundation, City of Turin with 5T, and Politecnico di Torino
showed how the Local Traffic Authority in Turin intends to notify drivers in
real time of possible dangers and special situations on the road (traffic jam,
road works warning, dynamic speed limit, etc.). A standard geo-referenced
warning message was dispatched to a TIM AMQP broker" at the edge of the 5G
mobile network and only the involved vehicles received the geo-localized message
from the AMQP Broker using the TIM 5G Network. The warning was read and
displayed in an FCA vehicle through the on-board HMI and can for instance notify
the driver of upcoming speed reduction. The aim of the trial was to demonstrate
how the TIM 5G Network is suitable for realizing smart roads services for
connected cars. The solution is compliant with the standards so it can be
applied in other locations covered with mobile networks.

Demo 3 Intersection Movement Assist (IMA), Forward collision Warning (FCW)

FCA and Harman Samsung showcased two Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) demos, by
integrating C-V2X direct-short range communication into Maserati Levante and
Quattroporte. The vehicles, through a direct radio link (network-less radio
link), anonymously communicated basic information such as their position and
related direction. The Forward Collision Warning (FCW), detected possible
frontal collision and warned the driver accordingly. The Intersection Movement
Assist (IMA), assisted the driver at the cross junctions to avoid a possible
lateral collision with an oncoming vehicle.

Demo 4 Emergency Electronic Brake Light (EEBL), Stationary Vehicle Warning (SVW)

FCA, Continental, and Qualcomm demonstrated fast and reliable information
exchange between vehicles in emergency situations. The two demos are based on
C-V2X direct-short range technology, enabling Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V)
communication between two Jeep Renegade. There were two portions to this demo:

- "Stationary Vehicle Warning" (SVW): when the hazard lights are
activated, the application broadcasted a message to all nearby
vehicles so that approaching vehicles could be informed even if the
hazard was not visible.
- "Emergency Electronic Brake Light warning" (EEBL): in the event of
a sudden braking, the application broadcasted a message to
following vehicles, such that approaching vehicles were notified of
the potentially dangerous situation.

Demo 5 See-through

Vodafone, FCA, Vodafone Automotive, Marelli and Altran revealed the 'See
Through' that uses C-V2X long-range cellular network communication to exchange
streamed video in real time between vehicles, extending the driver's visual
range under obstructed visibility scenarios and to prevent accidents, especially
those that may occur in an overtaking phase. The two involved Jeep Renegades
vehicles were equipped with a connectivity solution (Marelli) and high
frame-rate cameras (Marelli Motorsport) to detect the road lanes.

A real time tracking system and a space mapping algorithm of the vehicles,
specifically developed by Vodafone Automotive, allowed Vodafone's Multi-access
Edge Computing (MEC) to dynamically manage and route the video flows on the
basis of the vehicles' relative positions and to ensure minimal end-to-end
latency in the interest of drivers' safety. Vodafone 5G ultra-low latency and
high reliability were paramount to ensure the flow and synchrony of the
real-time video exchange between vehicles, also under high traffic and cell
saturation conditions.

Demo 6 World-first 5G-enhanced ADAS services

Audi, Ericsson, Italdesign, KTH, Pirelli, Qualcomm, TIM and Tobii showed how
smart cars, commercial 5G smartphones and 5G networks jointly improve comfort,
safety and efficiency. This unique collaboration combined the power of
eye-tracking glasses, intelligent tires, in-vehicle augmented reality and 5G
phones to work together over a live 5G network. With its high capacity and low
latency, cellular 5G connectivity is ready to enable instantaneous cooperation
between vehicles, the IoT ecosystem and more advanced driver assistance
services. The live demonstrations at the Turin Lingotto test track were based on
TIM's commercial 5G network delivered in Turin in partnership with Ericsson.
Audi cars, equipped with Pirelli Cyber Tyre, and embedded 5G modems provided by
Qualcomm and available 5G smartphones were utilized to enhance pedestrian's

About 5GAA

The 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) is a global, cross-industry organisation of
over 130 members comprised of leading global automakers, Tier-1 suppliers,
mobile operators, semiconductor companies and test equipment vendors. It works
together to develop end-to-end solutions for future mobility and transport
services. 5GAA is committed to helping define and develop the next generation of
connected mobility, automated vehicle and intelligent transport solutions based
on C-V2X.

Learn more on the 5GAA website and follow us on Twitter
(https://twitter.com/5gaa_official) and LinkedIn

Lisa Boch-Andersen
Tel.: +32 475 45 09 72
Email: lisa.boch-andersen@5gaa.org

5GAA Marketing & Communications
Email: marcom@5gaa.org

Original-Content von: 5GAA - 5G Automotive Association e.V., übermittelt durch news aktuell


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