
£221,000 raised for the children's charity since June

Geschrieben am 12-09-2019

Onchan, Isle Of Man (ots/PRNewswire) - Players competing in a
special online charity tournament have raised more than $56,000 for
PokerStars' long-time charity partner Right To Play.

The $55 buy-in tournament formed part of PokerStars' highly
popular World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP) series. More than
11,000 players met at the online felt to have some fun and compete
for their share of the prize pool, with 100% of the fees donated by
PokerStars to the global children's charity.

Right To Play (https://www.righttoplay.org.uk/en-uk/) uses sport
and play to empower vulnerable children across Africa, Asia and the
Middle East. The charity has pioneered a unique play-based approach
to learning and development with programmes that protect, educate and
empower children, and help to shield them from the harsh realities of
war and abuse.

PokerStars, the flagship poker brand of The Stars Group, first
partnered with Right To Play in 2014 through its corporate giving
programme Helping Hands. Since then, players and staff have helped
raise more than £1.7 million.

In April, Helping Hands and Right To Play announced (http://www.st
special-edition-hoodie-launched-to-help-vulnerable-children) the
creation of a limited-edition hoodie, available to buy at the Stars
Store (https://www.starsstore.com/details/Clothing/Hoodies/POK0106_Ri
ght%20To%20Play%20Black%20Hoodie), to honour the inspiration for
Right To Play. One hundred percent of the profits from all sales of
the hoodie will be donated to the charity. In June, The Stars Group
announced its intention (http://www.starsgroup.com/press-center/brand
ight-to-play) to raise £1 million across an extended two-year
partnership with Right to Play. This latest fundraiser brings the
total raised since the announcement to £220,000.

"We're delighted with the amount we raised on Sunday and want to
say thanks to the 11,000 players who participated," said Sue Hammett,
Head of Corporate Giving at The Stars Group. "The vital funds raised
will continue to make such a positive impact to so many children
around the world. We're thrilled that the donation is helping their
vital efforts. Thank you to every player who took part and to
everyone helping us to reach our target."

"On behalf of us all here at Right To Play, I want to say a huge
thank you to PokerStars for hosting the charity tournament at the
WCOOP event and to all the players who took part," said Neil
Child-Dyer, Senior Partnerships Manager at Right To Play UK. "We are
extremely grateful for your support. $56,000 raised is an amazing
amount which will make a huge difference to our work to educate,
empower and protect vulnerable children in our programmes."

About PokerStars

PokerStars operates the world's most popular online poker sites,
serving the global poker community. Since it launched in 2001,
PokerStars has become the first choice of players all over the world,
with more daily tournaments than anywhere else and with the best
online security. More than 200 billion hands have been dealt on
PokerStars, which is more than any other site.

The Stars Group owns or licenses gaming and related consumer
businesses and brands, including PokerStars, PokerStars Casino,
BetStars, Full Tilt, FOX Bet, Sky Bet, Sky Vegas, Sky Casino, Sky
Bingo, Sky Poker and BetEasy as well as live poker tour and event
brands, including the PokerStars Players No Limit Hold'em
Championship, European Poker Tour, PokerStars Caribbean Adventure,
Latin American Poker Tour, Asia Pacific Poker Tour, PokerStars
Festival and PokerStars MEGASTACK. The Stars Group is one of the
world's most licensed online gaming operators with its subsidiaries
collectively holding licenses or approvals in 21 jurisdictions
throughout the world, including in Europe, Australia, and the

Play Responsibly! For more information on responsible gaming
please visit our website

About Right To Play

Right To Play is a global charity that uses sport and play to
improve the lives of vulnerable children in some of the world's
poorest communities. Each child deserves the chance to succeed and
thrive in life but every day millions of children are challenged by
poverty, war, disease and poor education. These challenges put their
futures at risk and rob them of their potential. Right To Play gives
them back that chance. Using sport and play we make education
accessible and fun, teaching children critical life skills, how to
resolve conflicts without violence and how to avoid disease.

Right To Play trains local volunteers and teachers as Right To
Play 'coaches' to deliver critical education programmes in their
communities. This way over 14,900 coaches can reach almost two
million children every week in 16 countries across Africa, Asia and
the Middle East.

Right To Play strives to educate, empower and protect children
living in disadvantaged communities.

Right To Play believes in a future for every child driven by
opportunity, empowerment and possibility.

To find out more: www.righttoplay.org.uk


Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/859003/PokerStars_Logo.jpg

Contact: press@pokerstars.com

ots Originaltext: PokerStars.com
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Original-Content von: PokerStars.com, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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