
Partner itelligence AG links Production Machines with Business Management / itelligence takes part in the Initiative "Open Industry 4.0 Alliance" (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 05-09-2019

Bielefeld (ots) -

The objective of the "Open Industry 4.0 Alliance" is to create a
network that links up most of the various machines in a smart
factory. The alliance is a union of companies from the engineering
and industrial automation sectors and SAP. In August 2019,
itelligence AG, one of the world's leading SAP consultancies, joined
the group as one of the first partners at the application level.

The aim of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance is to build a
standardized, open network for operating highly automated factories
and processing plants, including logistics and services. The partners
in the alliance are planning a framework on the basis of existing

"We're integrating production-level sensors with the world of
business management systems," says Norbert Rotter, Chairman of the
Executive Board of SAP partner itelligence AG. "With the help of the
solution portfolio of SAP, we're modeling business processes like
production control, inventory management or maintenance as well as
collaboration between companies and external partners," Rotter adds.

The founding members of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance include the
companies Beckhoff, Endress+Hauser, Hilscher, Ifm, Kuka, Multivac and
SAP. Other partners are Balluff, Gebhardt, Pepperl+Fuchs, Schmidtsche
Schack, Samson and Wika. In general, any company is welcome to join
the alliance.

Creating a common language for data exchange

Any large company, or any medium-sized factory, processing
facility or logistics center, will use a variety of products from a
number of different manufacturers. "Proprietary standards in
connectivity, data management and collaboration inhibit the scaling
toward 'Industry 4.0', "says Mark Albrecht, Global Head of Innovation
Technologies at itelligence. "We want to change that by creating a
common language for data exchange."

Open standards all the way from production to service

The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance promises an open, standards-based
and compatible range of solutions and support and intends to model
the entire path extending from the product in the workshop to
service. Companies using this framework can draw on a toolkit of
modular, compatible and scalable components for solutions and
services. These are based on the core competencies of the alliance
members and provide the opportunity to make a vendor-neutral
selection among suppliers in the discrete manufacturing and
processing industries.

Four winning elements: The Open Industry 4.0 Alliance offers the
four components Device Connectivity, Edge, Operator Cloud and Cloud
Central as well as an associated range of services. The alliance is
global in scope. The initiative was joined by itelligence in August
of this year.


itelligence AG transforms IT landscapes and business processes
through the combination of innovative SAP software and technology
with services and products developed in-house. As an SAP Global
Platinum Partner, itelligence supports SMEs and large enterprises in
every phase of their digital transformation. itelligence's range of
services includes IT strategy and transformation consulting, software
deployment and implementation, as well as application management and
managed cloud services. The excellence of these services is built on
the foundation of itelligence's local presence, global capacity, and
comprehensive industry expertise. itelligence partners with customers
to create new and innovative business opportunities through the use
of IT - for each facet of the customer's business. Thousands of
satisfied customers have placed their trust in itelligence, many of
them since the company was founded 30 years ago. itelligence's
contribution to innovation and long-term business success has been
confirmed by numerous SAP awards and leading market analysts.
itelligence is part of the global NTT DATA group and employs over
8,500 people across 26 countries. In 2018, itelligence generated
926.6 million euros in total revenues.


Head of Corporate Public Relations
itelligence AG
Silvia Dicke
itelligence AG
Königsbreede 1
D-33605 Bielefeld
E: silvia.dicke@itelligence.de
T: +49 (0) 521 / 9 14 48 - 107
W: http://itelligencegroup.com/de/

Original-Content von: itelligence AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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