
2019 BrandZ top 100 most valuable brands featured 15 Chinese newcomers / Chinese newcomer Haier transformed from the Global No 1 Home Appliance Brand to the Global Sole IoT Brand (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 13-06-2019

Berlin (ots) -

The 2019 BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands list was
published on June 11 in New York, with Amazon topping the rankings,
replacing Google at the top spot. Fifteen Chinese brands were
included on the list this year, up from 14 in 2018, with Alibaba the
frontrunner among the Chinese companies included.

The Fortune 500 Global and BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Global
Brands lists are perhaps the business world's most prestigious
rankings. The former ranks companies based on their past performance,
while the latter ranks them according to future potential.

This year's newcomers from China were Haier, Meituan, Didi and
Xiaomi. Of the 12 Chinese brands that returned to the list, Alibaba,
Ping An and Huawei moved up, while Tencent and eight other brands
moved down.

China Life, Bank of China and SF Express, three Chinese brands
that were included on the 2018 list, did not make the 2019 rankings.

Chinese companies accounted for 15 percent of those included on
the BrandZ rankings, lower than their 24 percent on the 2018 Fortune
Global 500 list. Among the 15 Chinese brands included in the BrandZ
list, 10 also saw their associated companies feature on the 2018
Fortune 500 Global list.

BrandZ's brand value system is a reminder that brand value is not
necessarily in direct proportion to firm size, as global brand value
must be endorsed by a global customer base.

The value of the top 100 brands on the list stands at $4.7
trillion, representing a year-on-year increase of $328 billion, or
7.5 percent. The bar for making 100th place has grown by seven

Apart from the brands that fell off the list, 34 decreased in
value, with GE experiencing the steepest decline, dropping 32
percent, while 57 hit higher valuations, including nine new entrants
and Instagram, whose brand value soared by 95 percent.

Amazon's valuation increased by 52 percent, while other companies
that enjoyed 50 percent or more increases in brand value included
Netflix (65 percent), Salesforce (58 percent), Adobe (57 percent) and
Uber (51 percent).

The six brands with the highest increases in value owe their
success primarily to transformations of their business models, rather
than revenue growth.

Amazon and Haier are good examples of this. Amazon's success comes
from the success of its service partners, while Haier's comes from
the successful transformation of its empowered ecosystem brands
within the company's IoT ecosystem.

We can also draw parallels from the transformational journeys of
Netflix and Salesforce. Netflix has shifted its business from DVD
rentals to a streaming platform, and Salesforce has moved from being
a software vendor to a cloud-based industrial ecosystem.

The common theme is that Netflix, Amazon and Haier, through
business model innovations, have created industrial ecosystems where
third parties can win.

BrandZ chairman David Roth said, "Brands that want to succeed in
the future must understand the value this model could potentially
unlock and embrace this model willingly."

Based on a study of the new models, BrandZ has introduced a new
category in its 2019 list: the IoT ecosystem.

Haier was the first brand to have been placed in this category,
with the company's brand value assessed against the criterion of "an
ecosystem consisting of multiple interrelated companies".

Experts reckon that the emergence of the IoT ecosystem as a
category could potentially resolve a prolonged headache for analysts.

An IoT ecosystem brand can build an industrial ecosystem through
business model innovations, generate ecosystem revenues, break the
iron law of diminishing marginal gains, and in turn break through
traditional barriers to entry and become a world-class ecosystem
brand in the IoT era, some say.

Elaine Du, 12012539135

Original-Content von: Haier Group, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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