
72% Say Policy-Making Should Be Open to Dialogue With Business: New European Research Commissioned by JTI Shows that Policies Based on Evidence and Dialogue Are Needed to Restore Public Trust in Polic

Geschrieben am 08-10-2018

Geneva (ots/PRNewswire) -

As the eighth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP8) to
the World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco
Control (FCTC) just closed in Geneva, new research commissioned by
JTI and conducted in Europe by Populus with Ipsos as fieldwork
providers, reveals that the public want regulators to be open to
dialogue with business, and that more fairness and credible evidence
is needed in policy-making.


The research found that of the 8,473 respondents surveyed across
eight European countries, an average of:

- 72% believed that it is either very important or somewhat important
that the policy-making process is open to dialogue between
governmental authorities and all parties who are potentially
impacted by it, including businesses;
- 79% believed that it is either very important or somewhat important
that a policy should be introduced based on credible evidence of
its effectiveness, instead of a biased assumption it will work.
- 76% would protect the principle of free speech; either actively
fighting for the right of someone they disagree with to speak, or
passively agreeing with someone they disagree with's right to
express their opinion.

Proceedings at the FCTC COP's echo chamber differ hugely from
other UN decision-making bodies such at the UNFCCC on Climate Change,
where businesses are an integral part of discussions, and plenary
sessions are public. Today's new research shows that the public want
politicians and officials to consider all the facts and viewpoints -
including from businesses. Ousting one group of companies from giving
their views and sharing their expertise contradicts basic democratic
principles and is counterproductive.

The same can be said of discussions on harm reduction at COP8 last
week. Thanks to innovation and advances in science, JTI offers
products that have the potential to reduce risks associated with
smoking and the Company would have been well placed to take part in
those discussions. Yet, it appears that the FCTC COP still has an
obsolete conception of tobacco companies.

"The public are right that all views must be heard," states
Jonathan Duce, Head of External Communications at JTI's global
headquarters in Geneva. "The FCTC COP would have been wise to follow
their advice last week, because governments can only make good
decisions once they have taken everyone's views into account. The
findings of this research are clear: more must be done by governments
around the world to restore public confidence in the regulators who
make the rules we all abide by. This research has shone a light on
what citizens expect from decision-making and shows that people only
want policies if they are supported by credible evidence and proven
to be effective."

Note to editors


8,473 interviews were conducted online among adults living in
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland
and UK between September 28 and October 4, 2018. Populus was
commissioned by JTI and designed the content and methodology for the
research. Ipsos undertook the study on behalf of Populus.

About Populus

Populus is a leading research and strategy consultancy and is a
trusted adviser to some of the world's best-known companies, public
bodies and brands. We use polling, research, evidence and expertise
to provide clients with the critical knowledge they need to succeed.
Populus were named the UK's fastest growing research agency of 2014
by the Market Research Society, and work with clients across a wide
range of industry sectors both in the UK and internationally. Find
out more at http://www.populus.co.uk

About JTI

JTI is a leading international tobacco company with operations in
more than 130 countries. It is the global owner of both Winston, the
number two cigarette brand in the world, and Camel outside the USA
and has the largest share in sales for both brands. Other global
brands include Mevius and LD. With its internationally recognized
brand Logic, JTI is also a major player in the e-cigarette market and
has, since 2011, been present in the heated tobacco category with
Ploom. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the company employs
close to 40,000 people and was awarded Global Top Employer for four
consecutive years. JTI is a member of the Japan Tobacco Group of
Companies. For more information, visit http://www.jti.com.

Full research data tables available here (https://www.jti.com/site

For more information on JTI's view of FCTC COP, visit

ots Originaltext: JTI Japan Tobacco International AG
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Marie-Hélène Dubé
External Communications Director
Phone: +41-22-703-0291

Original-Content von: JTI Japan Tobacco International AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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