
Meet InnoEnergy at InterSolar 2018, Munich, hall B3 booth 490

Geschrieben am 06-06-2018

Eindhoven, The Netherlands (ots) - InnoEnergy, Europe's
sustainable energy engine supported by the European Institute of
Innovation and Technology (EIT), will be proudly showcasing the
following InnoEnergy supported companies and their ground-breaking
sustainable energy innovations:

- ABORA ENERGY SL: Creators of the most efficient hybrid solar
panel in the world.

- BeOn: The BeON Microinverter plugs into a wall socket like a
house appliance, enabling a PV system to become DIY and changing
the way we think about the solar business.

- Ecoligo: Providing low-cost solar energy to local businesses in
developing countries.

- EPC Solaire: Heat recovery supports for standard photovoltaic
panels for large industrial, commercial or agricultural roofs.

- Sylfen: Integrated energy storage and production solutions for
buildings and eco-districts that use renewable sources such as
solar power.

- Nines PV: A novel silicon wafer etching technology that lets you
switch to any type of Si wafer on the market.

- Nexwafe: Solar wafer epitaxial growth technology to increase
efficiency of solar cell manufacturing.

- Qualifying Photovoltaics S.L: Advanced Quality Assurance
Procedure of PV plants and PhotoVoltaic Evaluation Tool.

When: 20 - 22 June

Where: Hall B3 booth 490, Messe München GmbH., Munich, Germany

Interview opportunities: InnoEnergy representatives and CEOs of
the aforementioned energy companies

Photo opportunities: Energy innovations

About InnoEnergy

InnoEnergy is the innovation engine for sustainable energy across
Europe supported by the European Institute of Innovation and
Technology (EIT).

We support and invest in innovation at every stage of the journey
- from classroom to end-customer. With our network of partners, we
build connections across Europe, bringing together inventors and
industry, graduates and employers, researchers and entrepreneurs,
businesses and markets.

We work in three essential areas of the innovation mix:

- Education to help create an informed and ambitious workforce
that understands the demands of sustainability and the needs of
- Innovation Projects to bring together ideas, inventors and
industry to create commercially attractive technologies that
deliver real results to customers.
- Business Creation Services to support entrepreneurs and
start-ups who are expanding Europe's energy ecosystem with their
innovative offerings.

Bringing these disciplines together maximises the impact of each,
accelerates the development of market-ready solutions, and creates a
fertile environment in which we can sell the innovative results of
our work.

All media enquiries should be made to Laura Iley at Aspectus PR:
InnoEnergy@aspectuspr.com or +44 20 7242 8867

Original-Content von: InnoEnergy, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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