
The green button is online: VERIMI is gradually launching its ID and data platform (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 10-04-2018

Berlin (ots) -

- Cross reference: Full press release is available at
http://www.presseportal.de/dokumente -

- VERIMI's basic product goes live and initially supports
- Deutsche Bank and Bundesdruckerei integrate VERIMI from the
start; further shareholders and partners will follow by
- Start-ups Weltsparen, Compaio and Docyet are application
partners from the very beginning
- Further product features such as payment and ID functions as
well as eGovernment integration will be added in the coming

VERIMI, the new European identity and data platform, with its
central and convenient VERIMI log-in (single sign-on) is now
available in the German market, as a basic product (Minimum Viable
Product - MVP). The launch is following a phased approach: in the
first phase, the VERIMI system platform has gone live, with VERIMI
shareholders Deutsche Bank and Bundesdruckerei the first
organizations to make the green VERIMI button available for their
online customers. In a second phase over the coming weeks, the
platform will expand to connect additional partners as well as offer
new platform features.

"The go-live of the platform is an important milestone for VERIMI
and for the digital economy in Europe," Donata Hopfen, CEO of VERIMI,
explains. "We are now live with our VERIMI system, and we will
gradually connect further shareholders and application partners in
the coming weeks and months. It was important for us to go live with
the platform under real conditions." Weltsparen, Compaio and Docyet
are the first application partners to connect to VERIMI. The three
start-ups have been actively accompanying the development of the
platform from the outset. The aim is to quickly equip the platform
with new product features and to gradually expand its reach.

In addition to single sign-on, the video ident process is part of
the product right from the start. Users can legitimate their identity
card or passport to authenticate themselves directly online.
Additional functions are gradually being added, such as the qualified
electronic signature according to eIDAS, payment services, uploading
and archiving of sensitive documents and functionalities for personal
documents. These capabilities mean that VERIMI also enables
eGovernment functions, for example secure identification and
authentication with citizen portals.

Users retain full control over their personal data with VERIMI

VERIMI is designed as a central and cross-industry platform. Users
register once and can then use the digital services and products of
the connected partners. VERIMI also offers users the simple option of
transferring customer data already stored on a partner's platform.
The main advantage of VERIMI is that users retain full control over
their own data. Using settings on the platform, they can decide for
themselves which personal data they want to share with which partner.
Approvals once granted can be revoked at any time. VERIMI is designed
as a central platform in the first release but will be converted to a
decentralized model with the appropriate degree of mature

With the integration of VERIMI, partner companies benefit from a
secure and simple way of addressing and retaining customers digitally
in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
VERIMI also delivers secure identities to connected partners,
reducing transaction breakups and payment defaults. In addition,
VERIMI is continuously acquiring new partners and customers, thereby
increasing the platform's reach and relevance. VERIMI is developed as
a platform open for all industries and branches, which makes it easy
for companies to integrate the green VERIMI buttons comfortably into
existing online offers.

Data protection on the highest level

VERIMI is an open platform that can be integrated into websites
and apps by application partners based using standard protocols such
as OAuth and OpenID Connect. The platform will support all four
Levels of Authentication (LoA 1-4) according to the ISO standard,
starting with simple log-in and confirmation of a second factor (e.g.
numerical code via SMS). The VERIMI platform architecture also
ensures that customer data is protected on several levels. For
example, all user accounts as well as the stored data in the accounts
are individually encrypted. This ensures that user data is secure
even in the event of unauthorised access to the systems. VERIMI meets
the high data protection and security requirements of the European
Union, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which
will enter into force in May 2018.

Quote Deutsche Bank

Markus Pertlwieser, Chief Digital Officer (CDO) for Private and
Commercial Clients of Deutsche Bank: "Only the responsible handling
of customer data opens the door to digital business models in the
long term. VERIMI is now moving forward as an open platform and we
invite all German and European companies to join us."

Quote Bundesdruckerei

Stefan Hofschen, Chairman of the Executive Board of
Bundesdruckerei GmbH: "As a leading provider of trusted services,
Bundesdruckerei supports the successful launch and use of the VERIMI
platform. The current cases of data abuse as well as the lack of user
control over their personal data show how important a trustworthy
identification platform is. With VERIMI, Internet users can easily
and securely identify and authenticate themselves with a wide variety
of online applications - and in future also with the German identity


VERIMI was founded in spring of 2017. The ID- and data platform is
supported by a network of ten international corporations. To date,
this shareholder network includes Allianz, Axel Springer,
Bundesdruckerei, Core, Daimler, Deutsche Bank and Postbank, Deutsche
Telekom, Giesecke+Devrient, Here Technologies as well as Lufthansa.
The platform originates in Germany and will gradually expand to the
rest of Europe shortly after.

E-Mail: presse@verimi.com
Dirk Popp
Tel: +49-172-9407483

Original-Content von: Verimi, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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