
EANS-Adhoc: FACC AG / FACC with dynamic business development in the first half of 2016/17

Geschrieben am 20-10-2016

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Mid Year Results/6-month report

- Significant sales growth thanks to increases in all three segments
- Development of earnings as expected
- 3,341 employees on board: growth continues
- Stability, innovation and sustainability as key pillars of success

Ried, 20 October 2016 - In the first six months of fiscal year
2016/17, FACC AG recorded sustained strong growth thanks to the
continued positive development in the civil aviation industry.

The strong global demand for aircraft and the sustained high level of
OEM aircraft deliveries led to an increase in sales to 329.8 million
EUR in the first half of 2016/17 (compared to 270.1 million EUR in
the same 2015/2016 period). The 22.1% rise in sales revenues was a
consequence of the significant increase in product sales of 22.8% or
56.5 million EUR to 303.7 million EUR, with all three segments
reporting increases. Main drivers are the Airbus A320 family, the
Airbus A350 XWB, the Bombardier C Series, as well as the Embraer E2
jet. In the first half of 2016/17, development revenues rose by 3.4
million EUR to 26.1 million EUR. "FACC builds on the three key
pillars of stability, innovation and sustainability," said Robert
Machtlinger, CEO of FACC AG, "which contributed to us achieving a
solid development in the first half of 2016/17."

The earnings development in the first half of 2016/17 developed
nearly within the framework of expectations. In the first half of
2016/17, the earnings before interest, taxes and fair value
measurement of derivative financial instruments (EBIT) amounted to
4.6 million EUR. The result of the current period under review
includes also nonrecurring expenses of 1.4 million EUR that are
associated with the "Fake President Incident". Costs for short-term
personnel measures - such as the increase in leased staff - led to a
temporary increase in costs in the second quarter.

The first half of 2016/17 was characterized by the series production
of new projects. The activities around the significant ramp-up to
series production of the A350 XWB, in particular, took center stage.
The associated challenges with respect to delivery reliability and
quality were pursued with the highest priority and mastered. This
also involved a substantial increase in the number and qualification
of employees in all segments - the FACC workforce was increased by
354 employees in the reference period and, as of 31 August 2016,
amounted to 3,341 employees (FTE). "This stable employee growth is
the result of full order books and new projects. The fact that we are
able to assert ourselves so well in international competition is due
to our company's innovative strength," said Machtlinger. "Thanks to
our crew's extensive know-how and expertise, we are developing highly
efficient and bespoke technologies for our customers, supporting
their sustainability strategies and contributing to our sustainable
economic growth."

In addition to the OEM business that is plannable in the long term,
FACC AG has also intensified its efforts to exploit and develop the
maintenance and repair market for civil aircraft (MRO business). In
the second quarter, FACC was commissioned to retrofit 110 A320
aircraft cabins, as well as up to 12 first-class cabins of the A330.
It has also been possible for FACC to acquire various development
contracts. These include orders for the development of the passenger
cabin of a 70-seater turboprop aircraft, research contracts for space
flight components and orders for the further development of materials
and processes for the production of composite components for
implementation in very high unit numbers.

The locations in Upper Austria are being further expanded in line
with sustainable growth and positive forecasts for future
requirements. In addition to the activities carried out in the course
of the business year, further investment measures for the financial
year 2017/18 are also being examined and developed. At the same time,
special "Operational Excellence Projects" have been launched in order
to continuously strengthen profitability. These projects aim at
increasing the level of automation and cutting back on product
process costs. Furthermore, the outsourcing of production for simple
composite parts is being progressed. These projects are beginning to
show an impact and the implementation of these activities will be a
focus again for the business year 2016/17. Outlook For the second
half-year period of 2016 /2017, FACC also anticipates a stable
development of the business performance. The ramp up of series
production of new projects, especially those for the Airbus A350 XWB,
as well as the long-term demands for other aircraft families, such as
Boeing 787 and Airbus A320, will sustainably positively influence
FACC's development. As a result of the balanced and modern FACC
product and customer portfolio, the company will be in a position to
profit from the general growth expected in virtually all aircraft
families. The solid order backlog and the course of business
correspond to the management's expectations. In addition to a
two-figure growth in revenue also over the year, our attention
continues to be oriented towards achieving our earnings targets.
"Stability, innovation and sustainability - we must continue to do
everything we can to further strengthen these three successful
pillars, thereby continually improving the Group's earnings and
financial strength in the coming periods," said Machtlinger.

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations:
Manual Taverne
Director Investor Relations
Mobil: 0664/801192819
E-Mail: m.taverne@facc.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: FACC AG
Fischerstraße 9
A-4910 Ried im Innkreis
phone: +43/59/616-0
FAX: +43/59/616-81000
mail: office@facc.com
WWW: www.facc.com
sector: Industrial Components
stockmarkets: Regulated free trade: Wien
language: English

Original-Content von: FACC AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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