
The Altran Group Strengthens its General Management Team

Geschrieben am 22-09-2015

Paris (ots/PRNewswire) -

Dominique Cerutti, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the
Altran Group, has announced changes to the Group Executive Committee,
as well as the arrival of Daniel Chaffraix as Executive
Vice-President in charge of Transformation. The new team will be
tasked with preparing and executing the strategic plan for

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Daniel Chaffraix is joining the Executive Committee as Executive
Vice-President in charge of Transformation. In addition to
originating large and innovative deals in his previous positions,
Daniel Chaffraix is a leading expert in operational transformation
and industrialisation of organisations. In particular, he will be
responsible for managing all projects and programmes, as well as
bolstering the internationalisation of Group services and preparing
the Altran group for fast-evolving customer expectations linked to
technological disruptions.

Dominique Cerutti declared: "I am delighted that Daniel has
decided to join us. The Group has much to gain from his vast
international and intercultural experience, as well as his change
management ability to support the Group's ambitions for growth.
Having witnessed the impressive work he has accomplished in the field
of transformation throughout his career, I have no doubt that he will
be a key asset for Altran. We operate today in an exciting
environment of technological disruption, and we must thus enrich the
Group with new profiles if we are to rise to the challenges we face
and fully realise our growth potential."

Since 2010, Daniel Chaffraix has served as Chief Executive Officer
Infrastructure Services for various geographic areas at Cap Gemini,
where he contributed to a range of transformations and successfully
closed major customer deals. After starting his career in the banking
industry, he spent more than 20 years at IBM in various positions
contributing to far-reaching transformations within the Group,
serving in particular as CEO of IBM France European Executive of IBM
Global Services, as well as Manufacturing & Development Manager and
before CFO of Axone Group. Daniel Chaffraix is a graduate of the
Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Clermont Ferrand (1980) and the
University of Kansas (1981).

In parallel, Altran is announcing the following changes to the
composition of the Group Executive Committee:

Cyril Roger, currently Senior Executive Vice-President for Global
Accounts and Southern Europe, is taking operational responsibility
for Europe as a whole. As part of this assignment, he will be
assuming the functions of Michael Blickle, formerly in charge of
Northern Europe, who is leaving the Group.

Furthermore, a position of Executive Vice-President for operations
in the Americas/Asia is being created due to the high growth expected
in these regions. For the time being, Dominique Cerutti will assume
these functions directly.

Pascal Brier, Executive Vice-President in charge of Strategy,
Innovation and Group Solutions is expanding his mandate to include
Group Communications. Altran will soon be announcing the arrival of a
Communications Director, reporting to Pascal Brier.

Olivier Aldrin maintains his current functions as Executive
Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer.  In this position, he is
responsible for leading the Group's financial strategy and ensuring
that it achieves the performance objectives set.

Finally, Altran thanks Michel Bailly, Executive Vice-President in
charge of Programmes, who is leaving the Group. "For the past three
years, Michel Bailly has supported implementation of the previous
strategic plan and helped the Group structure its project-based
business," stated Dominique Cerutti.

About Altran 

As global leader in innovation and high-tech engineering
consulting, Altran accompanies its clients in the creation and
development of their new products and services. Altran Innovation
Makers[1] Employees of the Altran group have been providing their
expertise for over thirty years to key players in the Aerospace,
Automotive, Defence, Energy, Finance, Life Sciences, Railway, and
Telecoms sectors, among others. Covering every stage of project
development from strategic planning to manufacturing, Altran
solutions capitalise on the Group's technological know-how in five
key areas: Innovative Product Development, Intelligent Systems,
Lifecycle Experience, Mechanical Engineering, and Information

In 2014, the Altran group generated revenues of EUR1.756bn. Altran
now has a staff of more than 24,000 employees in more than 20


(1) Employees of the Altran group


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ots Originaltext: Altran
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