
ESMO announces annual medical oncology congress platform in Europe from 2016

Geschrieben am 10-11-2014

Lugano, Switzerland (ots) - The European Society for Medical
Oncology, the pan-European association representing medical
oncologists in Europe and beyond, has announced that it will be
organising an annual Congress in Europe from 2016.

A record 19,809 participants from 134 countries gathered at ESMO
2014 in Madrid to hear the results of trials which included
practice-changing research across tumour types. Abstract submission
saw a 24% increase since the last ESMO Congress in 2012.

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141106/714401-INFO)

"What ESMO 2014 highlighted was how important our Congress has
become as a platform for presenting the results of studies which will
have a direct impact on the treatment and care of cancer patients,"
said ESMO President Rolf Stahel.

The meeting presents an invaluable opportunity for medical
oncologists and other healthcare professionals from many related
fields to come together, learn about the latest research and share
best practice. "Holding an annual Congress will allow ESMO to
accommodate the rapid pace of progress in our field and to fulfil its
mission of promoting education and disseminating knowledge to
guarantee the best patient care," Stahel continued.

An annual Congress will also enable ESMO to build on the close
collaborations already established with its many partners, including
national oncology societies in Europe and worldwide and other
international organisations which already play a significant role in
many ESMO activities.

"Closer collaborations and stronger working relationships are
becoming increasingly important in facilitating a truly integrated
approach to cancer treatment and patient care, and we look forward to
working with all our partners in the best interests of cancer
patients," said Fortunato Ciardiello, ESMO President-Elect.

ESMO believes the time has come for oncology to speak with a
stronger, unified voice at a European level.

"As a Founding Member of ECCO, we see a real opportunity for ECCO
to develop its important oncopolicy role," said Paolo Casali, ESMO
Executive Board member responsible for ESMO's public policy.

"By working in consultation with its member societies to determine
the most critical issues across disciplines, there is real scope for
ECCO to represent the wider oncology community on important
multidisciplinary issues, as well as to supporting the initiatives of
its individual members," Casali continued.

In addition to the annual Congress in Europe, ESMO has already
announced that it will be hosting its first regional Congress in
Asia, in Singapore in December 2015. The meeting will play a key role
in improving access to the latest information in the region,
particularly for those unable to take part in educational events in

Stahel concluded: "As ESMO celebrates its 40th anniversary, the
decisions we are taking today will ensure we are best placed to
support and promote excellence in our field, to meet the needs of our
members, the wider oncology community and cancer patients in the
years ahead, not just within Europe, but across the globe."

About ESMO

The European Society for Medical Oncology is the leading European
professional organisation committed to advancing the specialty of
medical oncology to advance cancer care and cure.


ESMO Press Office


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