
More Info on Listing of Artmarket.com (Subsidiary of Artprice Inc. USA) From the Minutes of the Artprice AGM and Its Document Presenting Future Events

Geschrieben am 21-07-2014

Paris (ots/PRNewswire) -

Following publication of the minutes of Artprice's AGM on 27 June
2014 together with a presentation of Artprice's "Future Outlook"
(link to the online pdf file at the bottom of this page) that was
discussed during the meeting, there had been substantial demand from
shareholders and the market for further information.

The Artprice Group hereby confirms that it is considering listing
its 100%-owned subsidiary Artprice Inc. under the name Artmarket.com
on the Nasdaq (NSCM) or any other Anglo-Saxon stock exchange in a
country where online art auctions and the digital economy are
governed by a coherent set of regulations.

This is not the case in France (see pdf file and quotes) where the
country's auction market supervisory authority (CVV - Conseil des
Ventes Volontaires) has been waging a constant battle for two years
against Artprice and Ebay involving the creation of legal obstacles,
which for a nation that accounts for just 4% of the global art
market, is perfectly illogical and counter-productive.

The Artprice group, whose headquarters and stock market listing
will of course remain in France, will therefore use its American
subsidiary Artprice Inc. USA (formerly Sound View Press, created in
1976) renamed Artmarket.com, a generic and previously-acquired DNS
(Domain Name System / Internet code) that Artprice has carefully

For the initial public offering of Artmarket.com, the objective
will be to raise between USD 90 and 120 million, representing
approximately 30% of its capital. The exact amount will depend on
market conditions at the time of the operation.

The remaining 70% will be owned by Artprice group. The combined
value of the two companies' capitalizations will remain below that of
Artprice in January 2012 when the French company launched its
Standardized Auction Marketplace which was interrupted by the CVV's
damaging press release (see PDF file).

Artmarket.com will therefore own proprietary IT infrastructures
for its Standardized Auction Marketplace and its Standardized
Fixed-price Marketplace in exchange for shares attributed to the
parent company Artprice.

Artprice will remain the full and rightful owner of its historical
client base and of its numerous standardized databases that are
covered by intellectual property rights and it will receive an annual
remittance for making them available to Artmarket.com.

A set of contracts will regulate the fees and royalties that allow
Artmarket.com to exploit the knowledge acquired by Artprice - world
leader in art market information - and to benefit from the mass of
data accumulated since it created the Standardized Marketplace in

Artprice's Standardized Marketplace has posted steady growth ever
since it started and was designed to develop its full potential with
the EU Directive on auction sales that was finally transposed into
French law in 2012.

After validation by the supervisory authorities, this set of
regulated agreements should - according to coherent assumptions -
generate a recurring income of 7 to 9 million euros p.a. for Artprice

The relentless obstinacy of the Conseil des Ventes Volontaires
regarding internet art auctions and Artprice in particular, as well
as the economic prejudice suffered by Artprice (see pdf file) will
therefore be avoided by Artmarket.com, as a company operating in an
Anglo-Saxon jurisdiction where online art auctions are enjoying rapid
growth (see also Sotheby's-eBay alliance, 16 July 2014).

Minutes of Artprice AGM of 27 June 2014:

Direct link to pdf document included with the Minutes of the AGM:

About Artprice:

Artprice is the global leader in art price and art index
databanks. It has over 27 million indices and auction results
covering more than 500,000 artists around the world. Artprice
Images(R) gives unlimited access to the largest Art Market resource
in the world: a library of 108 million images or prints of artworks
from the year 1700 to the present day, along with comments by
Artprice's art historians.

Artprice permanently enriches its databanks with information from
4,500 auctioneers and it publishes a constant flow of art market
trends for the world's principal news agencies and approximately
6,300 international press publications. For its 3,200,000 members
(members log in), Artprice gives access to ads posted by members.
This space represents the world's leading Standardised Marketplace(R)
for buying and selling art. These sales take place under two systems:
either fixed price sales or auction-sales (regulated by paragraphs 2
and 3 of Article L 321.3 of the French Code of Commerce).

Artprice is listed on the Euronext Paris SRD L.O. (Euroclear: 7478
- Bloomberg: PRC - Reuters: ARTF)



Discover the Alchemy and the universe of Artprice
http://web.artprice.com/video, which has headquarters at the famous
Museum of Contemporary Art, the Abode of Chaos.



Contact : Josette Mey : e-mail : ir@artprice.com

ots Originaltext: Artprice.com
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

tel: +33(0)478-220-000


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