
Volvo Cars Adds Android Auto to its Next Generation Cars

Geschrieben am 25-06-2014

Göteborg, Sweden (ots/PRNewswire) -

Volvo Car Group joins the Open Automotive Alliance

Volvo Car Group (Volvo Cars) has joined the Open Automotive
Alliance to make the Android smartphone platform available to drivers
through its new ground-breaking user interface. This move brings
together one of the world's most progressive car companies and the
world's most popular smartphone platform, developed by Google.

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140522/683630 )

The integration of Android Auto(TM) promises to add yet another
dimension to the Volvo in-car experience. Android Auto brings
features and services familiar to Android smartphone and tablet users
directly into the car via Volvo Cars' large centre console touch
screen display.

"Google's approach to user-centricity and the application of
technology to improve peoples' everyday lives makes Android Auto a
perfect addition to the Volvo experience," says Hakan Samuelsson,
President and CEO of Volvo Cars.

The interaction between Android Auto and Volvo Cars' brand new
user interface transforms the look and feel of a car's interior.
Volvo Cars' interiors will be characterised by their high-tech
simplicity and functionality.

"We have worked hard to ensure an enjoyable user experience with
Android Auto. This will offer our customers a new degree of fluidity
and accessibility in the usage of their mobile devices, and bring the
digital ecosystem our customers already enjoy into the car,
complementing Volvo Cars' existing connected car services and
applications," says Hakan Samuelsson.

Android Auto will provide access to Google Search, Google Maps,
Google Play Music and specially adapted third party applications,
such as Spotify. All phone-based applications can be controlled via
voice or steering wheel controls or the car's touch screen ensuring
the entire interaction with Android Auto content is both safe and

Volvo Cars' portrait touch screen provides users with the benefit
of having both Volvo Cars and Android Auto content on the screen
simultaneously, removing the need to switch between car and Android
phone screens.

"Android smartphone users will feel completely at home in a new
Volvo. We have created a wholly-integrated user experience in our
large portrait-oriented touch screen that takes the in-car mobile
device experience to a new level. That, coupled with the obvious
driver safety benefits of an advanced voice control system offered by
Google, made Android Auto a perfect match for Volvo," says Hakan

Android Auto will be available on all new Volvo cars based on the
new Scalable Product Architecture (SPA), starting with the all-new
XC90, due to be publically revealed at this year's Paris Motor Show.


Life Style, Technology, Design, Smartphone, Google, Connectivity,
Touch screen, Android Auto

Notes to editor:

- The Open Automotive Alliance [http://www.openautoalliance.net/#about ] is
a global alliance of technology and auto industry leaders committed to bringing the
Android platform to cars.
- Volvo Cars will also include Apple CarPlay(TM) interoperability in all new
models based on the new Scalable Product Architecture. This will make it possible for
Volvo car drivers to connect the most widely used smartphone platforms directly to
their car's touch screen display. For more information please visit Volvo Cars Global
[https://www.media.volvocars.com/global/en-gb/media/videos/140629/volvo-cars-brings-apple-carplay-to-the-all-new-volvo-xc904 ]

Stefan Elfstrom
Media Relations Manager
Corporate Communications
Volvo Car Corporation
Dept. 50250/PVH50
Telephone +46-31-3251878




ots Originaltext: Volvo Car Corporation
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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