
Family Business, Onlineprinters, Celebrates Special Anniversaries / 30 years of printing experience and ten years of successful e- commerce

Geschrieben am 14-05-2014

Neustadt an der Aisch, Germany (ots) - This impressive development
is something that Erwin Meyer, trained as a typesetter, would not
have expected three decades ago: When he founded the printing house
Druckerei E. Meyer in 1984, his small, family company was selling to
clients primarily in the area around Neustadt an der Aisch in Middle
Franconia, Germany. The starting capital was 100,000 D-Mark, the
family car served as a pawn.

Today, the printing house is leading when it comes to online sales
and is one of the biggest online printing houses in Europe. Over two
billion print products are produced annually in around 100 printing
units in the German headquarters. About 500 people work on the 40,000
sqm plant area in sales and production. They support more than
300,000 customers in 30 European countries with their questions,
print orders, purchase orders and deliveries.

"We are very excited to celebrate this extraordinary success story
in 2014 with two anniversaries: 30 years of Druckerei E. Meyer and
ten years of diedruckerei.de, the German shop of Onlineprinters, that
started our online business," said Walter Meyer, CEO of
Onlineprinters GmbH.

Walter Meyer - one of the first Internet entrepreneurs in the

Today's CEO Walter Meyer, son of Erwin Meyer, understands the
printing business from the bottom up: He is a trained offset printer.
Ten years ago, the entrepreneur founded the German online shop
diedruckerei.de as an individual enterprise - this is how he managed
to enter the Internet business. The goal was to move away from a few
large regional customers to many smaller international customers via
Internet. The success story of the online print shop was born and was
continued with the establishment of Onlineprinters GmbH in 2008.

Today, the success of Walter's leadership is clear to see. The
online printing service provider sells offset and digital printing
products via the European web shop http://www.onlineprinters.com as
well as 13 international web shops under the brand Onlineprinters in
7 languages. In 2013, each day, about 3,000 printing jobs arrived at
Onlineprinters and around a million packages were shipped across
Europe. The range of products is for business customers as well as
for private customers from brochures to complete booths for fairs.
The brochures can be printed from a circulation of 1 to 100,000

High quality printed materials and satisfied customers since 1984
are the nuts and bolts of Onlineprinters' daily work: "We are growing
at around 20 per cent annually and, despite the large number of
orders, we treat every printing job with the same care. This is
because we produce in our own company and our employers are
professionals - today as well as 30 years ago. We employ printers,
media designers and printing engineers." To only employ experienced
and good employees was particularly important to founder Erwin Meyer
from the beginning on. He trained many trainees in person.

Online printing as a growth engine

While many small printers were no match for the extreme drop in
prices and competitive pressures in the recent years, Onlineprinters
was able to maintain its stance in the market thanks to its
innovative, international and sustainable growth and production
strategy. Reasons for this are investments in new machines with the
latest technology and a strong IT-based automated production and the
efficient combined printing process.

In the beginning of 2013, the companies Druckerei und Verlag E.
Meyer GmbH and Onlineprinters GmbH legally merged under the umbrella
of the newly established Onlineprinters Holding GmbH. "The dynamics
of the market require that we develop our processes constantly,
taking new customer requirements into account and not neglecting
trends," said Meyer. The competition in the online business will
continue to increase. "We want to continue to compete in the European
printing market at the top and to grow profitably," the CEO is
optimistic about the future.

About Onlineprinters GmbH

German Onlineprinters GmbH is one of Europe's largest online print
shops. All standard printed products are produced in the PSO-
certified production department in premium offset quality and in
flexible digital printing technology and are distributed via online
print shops. Detailed information is available in the online shop and
mobile shop of http://www.onlineprinters.com

Press contact:
Patrick Piecha
Phone: +49(0)9161/6209807


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