
Michael Miller Joins Routes as New Head of Content & Industry Relations

Geschrieben am 06-05-2014

Manchester, England (ots/PRNewswire) -

UBM Live has appointed Michael Miller as Head of Content &
Industry Relations for Routes, organisers of the world's leading air
service development events.

"We are delighted to welcome Michael to the Routes business,"
commented Katie Bland, Director Routes for UBM Live continuing:
"Michael has almost 25 years experience in aviation consultancy and
journalism and will be a great asset to our team in shaping and
improving content and industry partnerships at Routes events."

Michael's background is in aviation journalism where he has held a
number of positions, including Director, Editorial Operations for the
Aviation Week Group, Vice President Strategy for the American
Aviation Institute, partner at the Velocity Group and President of
Miller Air Group. In recent years, he has consulted for a variety of
organisations such as JetBlue; US Airways; Delta; Embraer; Bombardier
and several airports. In addition, Michael also directed the launch
of the Airline Leaders Forum on behalf of ALTA.

Michael who is Orlando based and began his new role on May 1st
commented: "The Routes team is unparalleled in the global aviation
industry and there is much work ahead to make great events and
relationships even better."

Notes to Editors

About Routes

- Routes organises world-renowned airline and airport networking events
through its regional and global Route Development Forums. Each year, there is one
global event and one regional event in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas and CIS
respectively. http://www.routesonline.com
- Routes was founded in 1995 as part of the Manchester UK-based ASM Ltd., a
consultancy specialising in the field of route development for airports.
http://www.asm-global.com [http://www.asm%E2%80%90global.com ]. Routes and ASM are
part of the UBM Live division of UBM plc.
- UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies across five
continents to develop new business, meet customers, launch new products, promote
their brands and expand their markets. Through premiere brands such as MD&M, CPhI,
IFSEC, TFM&A, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show, the Routes portfolio of
events, Airport Cities and many others, UBM Live exhibitions, conferences, awards
programs, publications, websites and training and certification programs are an
integral part of the marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry
sectors. http://www.ubmlive.com

Follow us on twitter: @Routesonline
[http://twitter.com@Routesonline ], @TheHUBRoutes
[http://twitter.com@TheHUBRoutes ], @VictoriaRoutes
[http://twitter.com@VictoriaRoutes ], @NLPROU
[http://twitter.com@NLPROU ], @airlineroute
[http://twitter.com@airlineroute ]

About UBM plc

- UBM plc is a global events-led marketing services and communications
company. We help businesses do business, bringing the world's buyers and sellers
together at events and online, as well as producing and distributing news and
specialist content. Our 5,500 staff in more than 30 countries are organised into
expert teams which serve commercial and professional communities, helping them to do
business and their markets to work effectively and efficiently.
- For more information, go to http://www.ubm.com [natasha.peck@routesonline.com
]; follow us on Twitter at @UBM_plc [http://twitter.com/UBM_plc ] to get the latest
UBM corporate news; follow @UBM for news from all UBM's businesses; follow @UBM for a
flavour of UBM from selected members of UBM's Twitterati.

ots Originaltext: UBM Live Routes Ltd
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further press information please contact:
Victoria Jones, PR Executive, Routes, T: +44(0)161-234-2730
E: pr@routesonline.com


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