
The REALfund: Linde Supporting Innovative Ideas in Respiratory Care

Geschrieben am 19-03-2014

Pullach, Germany (ots/PRNewswire) -

As a globally leading healthcare company, Linde Healthcare is
dedicated to research and innovative developments. The REALfund
supports purposeful solutions within respiratory medicine that
benefit patients and caregivers alike. For further information and to
apply, visit the REALfund website at

With the REALfund, Linde Healthcare, a global business unit of The
Linde Group, addresses anyone working in the field of respiratory
diseases and related co-morbidities to submit their ideas and apply
for funding for their research work. Whether you are an academic
researcher, physician, nurse, technician, industrial designer or
active in a patient organisation, projects with the potential to
develop better respiratory care solutions are welcome. Throughout the
care continuum from hospital to home - the REALfund supports ideas
that improve the quality of care and life of patients, help doctors
or medical staff, relieve pressure on healthcare facilities or
optimise health economics. Relevant projects will be funded with up
to EUR 75,000 depending on their complexity. To be considered for the
next funding period, applications can be submitted until 30 June
2014. The decision on grants will be taken following a thorough
review process involving medical and scientific experts and the
grantees will be honoured on 8 September 2014 in Munich, Germany.

Dr Christian Wojczewski, Head of Linde Healthcare, states: "For
us, the interaction with medical communities and scientific societies
is extremely important in helping make bright new ideas become
'real'. Our REALfund supports researchers in transforming their ideas
into daily practice for the benefit of healthcare professionals and
patients alike."

As healthcare systems are faced with heavy cost pressure,
innovation in Healthcare as a whole becomes increasingly important.
The REALfund proves Linde Healthcare's commitment towards improving
standards of care and continues the fruitful history of the company's
cooperation with researchers in hospitals and universities around the

About Linde Healthcare

Linde Healthcare is a globally leading healthcare company
specialising along an integrated respiratory care path. Linde
Healthcare combines pharmaceutical gases, medical devices, services
and clinical care into purposeful solutions for patients and
healthcare professionals throughout the care continuum from hospital
to home. The company is present in over 60 countries and generated
revenue of EUR 2.961 billion in 2012. Its product and service
offering encompasses a wide range of product-oriented services such
as gas supply and gas therapies, sleep and pain therapies, and
patient-centred services. Linde Healthcare focuses on four strategic
business segments: Hospital Care, Gas Therapies, Homecare and Care
Concepts. Long known for expertise in respiratory homecare, our
Homecare competencies cover the full spectrum of services with a
focus on patients' individual needs. In the Care Concepts business
segment, REMEO(R) is Linde Healthcare's innovative programme for
long-term mechanically ventilated patient care, offering an
integrated care path that bridges the gap between a hospital's ICU
and a patient's home.

About The Linde Group

The Linde Group is a world-leading gases and engineering company
with around 63,000 employees in more than 100 countries worldwide. In
the 2012 financial year, Linde generated revenue of EUR 15.280
billion. The strategy of the Group is geared towards long-term
profitable growth and focuses on the expansion of its international
business with forward-looking products and services. Linde acts
responsibly towards its shareholders, business partners, employees,
society and the environment - in every one of its business areas,
regions and locations across the globe. The company is committed to
technologies and products that unite the goals of customer value and
sustainable development.

For more information, see The Linde Group online at

Press Contact
Linde Healthcare
Anne Mette Schrade
Phone: +49-89-7446-2247

Seitnerstrasse 70
82049 Pullach

ots Originaltext: Linde Healthcare
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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