
BMW Group posts record sales for February / Total of 141,093 vehicles delivered in February, increase of 5.6% / Year-to-date sales increase 6.6% to 273,999

Geschrieben am 11-03-2014

Munich (ots) - With 141,093 BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brand
vehicles delivered worldwide (prev. yr. 133,631/ +5.6%), the BMW
Group achieved its best-ever February sales result. A record number
of 273,999 (prev. yr. 256,933) automobiles have been delivered to
customers since the start of the year - an increase of 6.6% compared
with the same period last year.

"February was another record month for us," said Ian Robertson,
Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Sales and Marketing BMW.
"The innovative new models coming out this year, such as the 2 Series
Active Tourer and 4 Series Gran Coupé we just premiered to great
reviews at the Geneva Motor Show, will give us the momentum to keep
growing in 2014." Robertson added.

BMW enjoyed its best ever February: 124,839 BMW brand vehicles
were delivered to customers, an increase of 8.6% (prev. yr. 114,909).
Year-to-date sales rose 8.9% with 242,017 BMW brand vehicles
delivered compared with the same period last year (222,211). Demand
for the BMW X3 was high in the first two months of 2014 with a total
of 23,980 vehicles delivered to customers (prev. yr. 20,767/ +15.5%).
The BMW 5 series was another significant growth driver with sales
rising 11.4% to 55,758 (prev. yr. 50,057).

February saw 15,975 MINIs delivered to customers (prev. yr.
18,527/ -13.8%). The sales slow-down is due to the model change-over
with the new MINI, which will go on sale from mid-March. Sales of the
MINI Clubman remain strong: in the first two months of the year, a
total of 2,532 vehicles were delivered to customers, an increase of
22.5% on the same period last year (2,067).

The BMW Group maintained or increased sales in almost all regions
in February, in line with the corporate strategy of balanced growth
worldwide. Deliveries of BMW and MINI models in Asia increased by
22.8% to 45,292 vehicles (prev. yr. 36,879). Sales for the region in
the first two months of 2014 rose 20.2% to 96,133 (prev. yr. 79,993).
In mainland China, sales in February rose 29.1% with 30,281
deliveries (prev. yr. 23,449). Japan also saw growth of 29.1% with
5,622 vehicles delivered to customers (prev. yr. 4,355) and in South
Korea 3,435 BMW and MINI vehicles were delivered in February, an
increase of by 17.3% (prev. yr. 2,928).

In the Americas, a total of 30,490 BMW and MINI vehicles were
delivered to customers in February (prev. yr. 30,902/ -1.3%). Sales
for the year-to-date rose 1.0% to 56,467 models delivered (prev. yr.
55,923). In the USA, sales for the first two months of 2014 remained
stable, with a total of 45,272 deliveries (prev. yr. 45,808/ -1.2%)
compared with the same period last year. Sales in Brazil for the
year-to-date increased by an impressive 54.0% to 2,420 (prev. yr.
1,571) and deliveries in Mexico in the first two months of 2014 rose
by 14.3% to 2,194 (prev. yr. 1,920).

The continuing headwinds in Europe continue to make themselves
felt with 60,321 BMW and MINI models delivered in February (prev. yr.
61,253/ -1.5%). Sales for the first two months of 2014 are on a par
with the previous year with a total of 111,654 deliveries (prev. yr.
111,870/ -0.2%). Sales in Scandinavia continue to grow significantly,
increasing 15.2% compared with the first two months of last year with
a total of 6,551 vehicles delivered in the year to date (prev. yr.

BMW Motorrad sales in February increased by 18.3% compared with
the same month last year (8,098 / prev. yr. 6,847) with a total of
13,536 motorcycles delivered worldwide in the first two months of the
year (prev. yr. 11,665/ +16.0%).

BMW Group sales in February 2014 at a glance

In February Compared with Up to/including Compared with
2014 previous year February 2014 previous year
BMW Group
Automobiles 141,093 +5.6% 273,999 +6.6%
BMW 124,839 +8.6% 242,017 +8.9%
MINI 15,975 -13.8% 31,485 -8.4%
BMW Motorrad 8,098 +18.3% 13,536 +16.0%

The BMW Group

The BMW Group is the leading premium manufacturer of automobiles
and motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce
brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 28 production and
assembly facilities in 13 countries and has a global sales network in
more than 140 countries.

In 2013, the BMW Group sold around 1.963 million cars and 115,215
motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year
2012 was EUR 7.82 billion on revenues amounting to EUR 76.85 billion.
As of 31 December 2012, the BMW Group had a workforce of 105,876

The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term
thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore
established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value
chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to
conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BMWGroup
Twitter: http://twitter.com/BMWGroup
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/BMWGroupview
Google+: http://googleplus.bmwgroup.com

If you have any queries, please contact:
Corporate Communications

Emma Begley, Business and Finance Communications,
Telephone: +49 89 382-72200, Fax +49 89 382-24418

Nikolai Glies, Head of Business, Finance and Sustainability
Communications, nikolai.glies@bmw.de
Telephone: +49 89 382-24544, Fax: +49 89 382-24418
Media website: www.press.bmwgroup.com
Email: presse@bmw.de


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