
Media Invitation - EuroCloud Congress and Awards Ceremony 2013 / Free accreditation and interesting 1-on-1 interview opportunity with cloud experts

Geschrieben am 10-10-2013

Köln (ots) - EuroCloud Congress 2013, taking place 15-16 October
in Kirchberg, Luxembourg, brings together representatives of the
technology industry and policy makers to galvanize European
participation in a thriving global cloud computing economy. The
EuroCloud Congress presents an impressive programme. It's packed with
great keynotes, Europe's brightest cloud experts and practitioners
gathered together in workshops, and numerous opportunities to network
and exchange knowledge with industry participants from across Europe.
Keynote speakers will highlight how European businesses and public
institutions can harness cloud computing to seize global
opportunities and will promote innovation by European cloud computing
providers. English is the official language of the congress. In
conjunction with the Congress, EuroCloud will deliver its
pan-European cloud computing awards on the evening of the 15th in the
prestigious location of the Hotel Sofitel Kirchberg. With a shortlist
featuring the cream of Europe's cloud industry, the EuroCloud Europe
Awards 2013 will be presented in five categories: Best Cloud Service
Product, Best Cloud Service Start Up, Best Service Use Case Private
Sector, Best Service Use Case Public Sector and Best Business Impact
by Cloud Services.

Journalists can be accredited free of charge for both events at
presse@eurocloud.de. For more Information please visit

We are pleased to offer journalists the opportunity to interview
interesting experts from the Cloud industry: 1-on-1 interviews will
be possible between 2:30 and 4pm on 15th October with representatives
from our key speakers as listed below, in Room F33: Linda Strick,
Head of CloudforEurope, has been at the Fraunhofer-Institute FOKUS
for more than 20 years and works as Business Developer in the
application domain of eGovernment. Her main areas of work are in:
distributed systems for telecommunications, Service Oriented
Architectures and Cloud Computing. She is in charge of the Cloud
Computing Lab at FOKUS, demonstrating cloud scenarios for the public
sector. She has worked in national and international projects, in
standardization organizations and has published several papers. She
is the coordinator of the Cloud for Europe project funded by the
European Commission under its 7th Framework Programme.

Chiseki Sagawa is Corporate Vice President of Fujitsu and the Head
of the Global Software Center, Service Platform Business, responsible
for cloud computing strategies, its platform development, as well as
business executions worldwide. Chiseki Sagawa joined Fujitsu Limited
in April 1981, beginning his career as a System Engineer for a major
banking system. He has led many software development and IT
consultation projects and demonstrated distinguished leadership. In
2000 he became director of IA Server Software Development in the
Software Development Group and a project owner for the Global
Microsoft Alliance. He became a Chief Strategist for Fujitsu Server
Business in 2005. He led Fujitsu's initial cloud project in 2007 and
deployed Fujitsu Public Cloud worldwide in 2011. He received a B.Sc.
degree from the University of Washington in 1981.

Matthieu Hug is CEO, Fujitsu Runmyprocess. After the company's
acquisition earlier this year, it has become a core component of
Fujitsu's Global Cloud platform strategy. He is an entrepreneur and
the founder of RunMyProcess, a leading process and integration PaaS
used by over 350 enterprises in 44 countries. RunMyProcess has been
distinguished as a leader in Cloud platform innovation several times
since 2009, including by Gartner, RedHerring and Eurocloud.
Previously Matthieu worked as a Management Consultant for Capgemini
Consulting and as a CIO at Netsize, a mobile service provider.
Matthieu graduated from Supélec in Paris, France ('97) and obtained a
Master of Science from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, US.

Dimension Data

Interviewee to be confirmed. Dimension Data, headquartered in
South Africa, is one of the world's largest IT services organisations
and operates a global network of datacentres.

Andreas Dangl is a Managing Director and Head of Software
Development at Fabasoft, a leading European vendor of software
products for the consistent and efficient handling of electronic
documents and business records. His area of interest lies in
increasing the quality and effectiveness of organizations, as well as
enhancing their motivation using agile methodologies.

Gerard Hoffmann is CEO of Telindus Belgacom ICT in Luxembourg.

Bernd Becker is President of EuroCloud Europe and has a long track
record in the ICT industry. From the foundation of EuroCloud Europe
as the umbrella organization of the European network of national
EuroCloud associations in January 2010, Bernd Becker acted as Vice
President before his election as President in January 2013. He is
also Chairman of EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e.V., the German
representation in the EuroCloud Europe network. Within the scope of
his association activities he works intensely to develop market
awareness and acceptance of Cloud based services. He promotes the
creation of a pan-European harmonisation of legal framework
conditions and the establishment of certification standards for cloud
computing which are intended as an aid to orientation and decision
making for cloud customers and which fulfil the legal and technical
demands. He encourages all kinds of Cloud based innovations, which
are major accelerators for all branches and industries, for the
public sector and the society.

Innovation World Cup

Interviewee to be confirmed. The global Innovation World Cup
officially launches at the EuroCloud Awards Gala on the evening of
October 15th. Embargoed pre-briefings available.

About EuroCloud Deutschland_eco

EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e.V. (www.eurocloud.de) is the
Association of the German Cloud Computing Industry and represents its
members in the pan-European network EuroCloud. EuroCloud
Deutschland_eco e.V. is committed to ensuring acceptance and the
provision of tailor-made Cloud Services in the German market. As a
result, the association is in constant dialog with their European
EuroCloud network partners, to find global solutions and to prepare
the way for international business relationships. Among other
activities, EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e.V. is involved in the "Cloud
Standards Coordination" of the European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI), which has been commissioned by the European
Commission to evaluate the Cloud standards required in Europe. The
association was founded in 2009 and is affiliated with eco -
Association of the German Internet Industry. Information about
EuroCloud Europe can be found at www.eurocloud.org.

EuroCloud Deutschland_eco e. V., Lichtstr. 43h, 50825 Köln,
Thomas Müller, Tel.: 0221/700048-260,
E-Mail: presse@eurocloud.de
Web: www.eurocloud.de


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