
European Petrochemical Association gathers chemistry's top industry leaders in Berlin (BILD)

Geschrieben am 27-09-2013

Brussels, Belgium (ots) -

- Cross-reference: Pictures are available at:
http://www.presseportal.de/galerie.htx?type=obs -

The European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) will hold its 47th
Annual Meeting from 6 to 8 October 2013 in Berlin. More than 2 600
delegates will attend one of the world's most important meetings of
the chemical industry under the theme "Leadership and the Chemical
Industry". Among the attendees are mostly CEOs and other top-level
executives from EPCA's almost 700 member companies but also
high-ranking guests.

During the two-day event participants can organise meetings and
attend business sessions and networking events in amongst others the
hotels Pullman Schweizerhof and InterContinental located at walking
distance from each other in Berlin. They also have the opportunity to
hear from opinion leaders and influential speakers with a global
reach: the Annual Meeting will feature a keynote speech by President
Bill Clinton, founder of the Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of
the United States. Other examples are Dr. Kurt Bock, Chairman of the
Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE, Mohamed H. Al-Mady, Vice
Chairman and CEO of SABIC CORP., and historian Niall Ferguson,
Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History at Harvard University.

There will also be a special session on "Leadership and chemical
supply chains". This session will compare the EPCA 2013 report
"Sustainable Chemical Supply and Logistics Chains: the Path Forward"
with the vision of supply chain experts.

Annual meeting is also framework for educational initiatives

In a teachers' workshop within the Annual Meeting, 30 science
teachers from all over the world are given the opportunity to meet
chemical industry leaders and to experience them closely during
several events. The workshop complements EPCA's numerous educational
initiatives, intending to encourage young people to study science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to promote careers
in the chemical industry.

Within the educational context, EPCA has also become an official
partner of the 25th Berlin mini-MARATHON that will take place in
Berlin on 28 September 2013 as part of the famous Berlin Marathon one
day after. All of the 1 500 schools which are invited to participate
in the mini-MARATHON and everyone of the 40 000 athletes at the
marathon will be provided with EPCA's two vivid educational films
"Chemistry: All About You" and "Science: Where Can It Take You?" The
first one highlights that chemicals are everywhere, offering
sustainable solutions to access food, drinking water, comfortable
clothes, and instant communications. The second film promotes gender
equality and shows that a STEM education leads to interesting and
rewarding careers in the chemical industry.

About EPCA

EPCA (The European Petrochemical Association) is a Brussels based
international non profit association that serves a global network for
the chemical business community consisting of producers of
petrochemicals, their suppliers, customers and service providers. In
this industry segment EPCA is the platform to meet, exchange
information and transfer learning as well as think tank challenging
business as usual approaches. EPCA counts over 700 member companies
from 53 different countries that stand for an aggregate turnover of
over 4.2 trillion E. EPCA was founded in 1967.

Homepage: www.epca.eu
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/epcanetwork

Press contact:
Cathy Demeestere
Secretary General
Avenue de Tervueren 270
BE-1150 Brussels
Tel.: +32(0)2 741 86 60
Fax: +32(0)2 741 86 80
E-Mail: cathy@epca.eu


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