
IFSEC Istanbul Signs Up Major Exhibitors

Geschrieben am 21-06-2013

London (ots/PRNewswire) -

IFSEC Istanbul, organised by premier event organisers UBM Live, is
pleased to announce the overwhelming support and quality of
exhibitors for the 2013 event, taking place from the 30th September -
2nd October at the Lutfi Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Centre,

Leading brands such as; Sensormatic, Y3K, Securitas, Mobotix, Sony
and Panasonic plus many more, including over 15 of the UK's principal
suppliers, will showcase their solutions to senior end-user visitors
from both the private and government sectors. Utilising this high
value opportunity, exhibitors will demonstrate their latest products
and innovations to the market. Supporting the whole buying chain,
these leading brands recognise the high quality visitors that attend
IFSEC Istanbul from both overseas and the local region.

"IFSEC Istanbul provides a unique opportunity for international
companies to strengthen and grow business in the lucrative
Southeastern Europe and Central Asian market. This provides us with
the perfect platform to meet with existing customers and develop
relationships with key organisations across the entire region. This
is the go to event and we can't wait for it to begin!" Ismail UZELLI

Gaining direct access to prospective partners and key decision
makers who have the purchasing power, IFSEC Istanbul is located at
the centre of one of the highest output growth rates in Europe and
presents the opportunity to generate tangible new business leads.
With a breadth of education on offer, visitors are able to experience
informative talks from knowledgeable voices in the industry.

British Security Industry Association (BSIA) has confirmed its
support to IFSEC Istanbul. Peter Nicolls, BSIA Overseas Exhibitions
Co-ordinator, said: "We at BSIA are excited about participating in
this launch event and look forward to the prospect of over 15 British
companies exhibiting within our UK Pavilion at the show."

Widely regarded as the premier event in the industry, Mehmet
HanlIoglu, CEO of Hires Electronics LTD STI, Distributor of MOBOTIX,
confirmed his enthusiasm for the 2013 event: "We are thrilled to be
exhibiting at IFSEC Istanbul this year. As the flagship event,
international brands from across the industry are attracted to the
show and bring the whole security community together. Having access
to the full buying chain opens up a wealth of opportunity to meet
visitors from a range of backgrounds. It is crucial for us to meet
key decision makers and IFSEC Istanbul will provide us with that
opportunity, we are looking forward to what the show will bring!"

"We are excited for IFSEC Istanbul to take place this year. By
fully understanding the buying chain and its needs, we have responded
to what the market wants to ensure the show caters all. We have
worked hard to incorporate unique interactive features on the show
floor to create an experience that visitors won't get elsewhere. With
an international presence, distributors, integrators and crucially
the end-user customers will be able to make valuable business
connections throughout the week. IFSEC Istanbul has developed from
the legacy that exudes knowledge and quality from within the
industry," said Kerim Alain Bertand, General Manager, UBM Istanbul.

"We're looking forward to the show opening and can't wait for
visitors to see what's in store!" He added.

About UBM Live

UBM Live [http://www.ubmlive.com ] connects people and creates
opportunities for companies across five continents to develop new
business, meet customers, launch new products, promote their brands
and expand their markets. Through premier brands such as MD&M, CPhI,
IFSEC, TFM&A, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show and many
others, UBM Live exhibitions, conferences, awards programs,
publications, websites and training and certification programs are an
integral part of the marketing plans of companies across more than 20
industry sectors.

For more information about IFSEC Istanbul visit

ots Originaltext: UBM Live
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Notes to editor: Contact Dean Gunning, International Sales
Executive on +44(0)207-921-8510 or dean.gunning@ubm.com or Orhan
Sales Director on +90(216)693-32-00 or orhan.caglayan@ubm.com for
details. For further information, comment or to arrange an interview
contact: Natasha Marsh, Senior PR Executive, Tel: +44(0)207-921-8067,
Email: natasha.marsh@ubm.com


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