
Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) Leads Transformation of Global Nutrition Agenda With $787 Million Investment

Geschrieben am 08-06-2013

London (ots/PRNewswire) -

- Largest single investment to eradicate under-nutrition by a private
- Hundreds of millions of children and families to benefit worldwide
- Donors at Nutrition for Growth high level meeting secure new commitments of up
to $4.15 billion to tackle under-nutrition up to 2020

The Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), one of the
world's largest philanthropic organisations, announced today an
investment of $787 million that will transform the lives of hundreds
of millions of children. The investment marks a historic shift in
international development priorities driven by CIFF, the British
Government and the Government of Brazil over the last twelve months,
which led to donors securing up to $4.15 billion in new commitments
to tackle under-nutrition up to 2020, at the Nutrition for Growth
high level meeting in London today.

At the meeting, governments, private sector organisations and
civil society organisations also endorsed the Global Nutrition for
Growth Compact, which commits parties to scale up their political
commitment, increase resources and take urgent action on childhood
and maternal under-nutrition, an area that has been historically
neglected by the international community.

CIFF's $787 million investment is the largest single investment in
the eradication of under-nutrition by a private foundation in
history. Nutrition is one of CIFF's key priority areas, identified as
delivering the greatest large-scale, cost-effective benefit for the
world's children. Investments in nutrition also provide benefits in
two other priority areas, Child Survival and Educational Attainment.

Jamie Cooper-Hohn, co-founder and CEO, Children's Investment Fund
Foundation (CIFF) said: "Today we have seen a historic shift with
nutrition taking its place at the heart of the health, education and
economic development agendas. The investments announced today will
transform the lives of millions of children as well as the economic
growth and prosperity of nations."

In 2011 nutrition represented just 0.4% of total overseas
development assistance, or $418m, despite evidence showing that in
low and middle-incomes countries, a quarter of under-5s are stunted,
and 165 million stunted children globally or 8%. 19 million children
are severely wasted, while at least 3.1 million children die a year
before the age of five as a result of under-nutrition. Generation
after generation, malnourished children have developed into adults
with their physical and intellectual capabilities diminished,
inhibiting global growth by as much as 11% of GNP in some countries.

Investment in the scale-up of simple, cost-effective
nutrition-specific community interventions including exclusive
breast-feeding, nutritional supplements and hand-washing is proven to
address nutrient deficiency in the crucial 1,000 days between
conception and the first two years of a child's life, allowing brains
and bodies to achieve their natural potential.

At the country level, the Government of Brazil has reduced
stunting among under-5s from 37% to 7% in a decade. Eliminating
under-nutrition globally would cost $10 billion per year, and deliver
an increase in GNP in Africa and Asia of up to 11%, and 2-11% in
Central America, with average returns of $15 for every dollar spent,
comparable to road-building or large-scale irrigation projects.

CIFF's 7-year commitment focuses on high-impact investments that
will be delivered with clear objectives, using reliable evidence and
implemented via trial, monitoring and course correction.

About Children's Investment Fund Foundation

The Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) aims to
demonstrably improve the lives of children in developing countries by
achieving large-scale, sustainable impact. We believe that every
child deserves to survive, thrive and mature into adulthood in a
supportive and safe environment.

Headquartered in London, CIFF is an independent, philanthropic
organisation with an endowment of over $3.9bn in June 2013. Our staff
and Trustees combine the best of business and the best of
development, bringing a wealth of experience from both sectors to
CIFF's work.

ots Originaltext: Children's Investment Fund Foundation
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further information, please contact: Peter Browning,
peter@browningpr.com, +44-1865-339-678, +44-7760-168-969 (m)


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