
Johnson Controls assumes complete Ownership of the Former Tata Johnson Controls (TJC) Joint Venture in India / Tata Johnson Controls Buyout Completed

Geschrieben am 28-05-2013

Pune, India (ots) - Johnson Controls, a global leader in
automotive seat systems and components, has acquired full (100-
percent) ownership of Tata Johnson Controls (TJC). The former 50-
percent-50-percent joint venture between Tata Automotive Components
(TACO) and Johnson Controls is a leading supplier of automotive seat
systems and components in India, serving most major OEMs on the
market. The final transfer of the 50 percent share held by TACO has
taken place after completion of all formalities. Both parties agreed
not to disclose the purchase price.

"India is an emerging market and part of Johnson Controls' global
strategy for sustainable growth," said Paul Chawla, president and
chief executive officer, Johnson Controls Automotive Experience
India, "We are strongly committed to continue to invest in our Indian
business. We enjoyed our partnership with Tata AutoComp, and thank
them for their support in making TJC a leading seating systems
company in India. We are looking forward to building on the successes
of the partnership."

Johnson Controls will leverage its automotive seating, electronics
and interiors businesses for its India operations.

India plays an important role within the company´s global
engineering network and will continue to develop its engineering
expertise at the new Technical Center in Pimpri. In addition, Johnson
Controls plans to expand its prototype and testing capability for the
India region.

Eleven locations across India, including an engineering center in
Pune, and approximately 2,100 employees are associated with this
transaction. Johnson Controls has operated in India since 1995 and
values the expertise and dedication of the TJC employees as a key
factor for growth in the country as well as continuity of customer

About Johnson Controls

Johnson Controls is a global diversified technology and industrial
leader serving customers in more than 150 countries. Our 168,000
employees create quality products, services and solutions to optimize
energy and operational efficiencies of buildings; lead-acid
automotive batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric
vehicles; and interior systems for automobiles. Our commitment to
sustainability dates back to our roots in 1885, with the invention of
the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategies and
by increasing market share we are committed to delivering value to
shareholders and making our customers successful.

About Johnson Controls Automotive Experience

Johnson Controls is a global leader in automotive seating,
overhead systems, door and instrument panels, and interior
electronics. We support all major automakers in the differentiation
of their vehicles through our products, technologies and advanced
manufacturing capabilities. With 240 locations worldwide, we are
where our customers need us to be. Consumers have enjoyed the comfort
and style of our products, from single components to complete
interiors. With our global capability we supply approximately 50
million cars per year.

For more information, please contact:
Johnson Controls GmbH
Automotive Seating
Industriestraße 20-30
51399 Burscheid Germany

Oliver Herkert
Tel.: +49 2174 65-4348
E-Mail: oliver.herkert@jci.com

Internet: www.johnsoncontrols.de

Follow us on Twitter: @JCseating


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