
DGAP-DD: Schaltbau Holding AG english

Geschrieben am 12-04-2013

Notification concerning transactions by persons performing managerial
responsibilities pursuant to section 15a of the WpHG

Directors' Dealings notification transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory
The person with duty of notification is solely responsible for the content
of this announcement.

Details of the person subject to the disclosure requirement
Last name: Smaxwil
First name: Friedrich

Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body

Information about the transaction with duty of notification

Description of the financial instrument: Share
ISIN/WKN of the financial instrument: DE0007170300
Type of transaction: Buying
Date: 29.01.2013
Price: 35.1357
Currency: EUR
No. of items: 130
Total amount traded: 4567.64
Place: Frankfurt (XETRA)

Information about the company with duty of publication

Issuer: Schaltbau Holding AG
Hollerithstraße 5
81829 München
ISIN: DE0007170300
WKN: 717030

End of Directors' Dealings Notification
(c) DGAP 12.04.2013

ID 16773


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