
EANS-News: SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Will Intensify Expansion of Existing Business Operations and of New Work Areas in the Years 2013/2014

Geschrieben am 27-03-2013

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annual result

Kahl am Main (euro adhoc) - Press Release

SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Will Intensify Expansion of Existing Business
Operations and of New Work Areas in the Years 2013/2014

Kahl am Main, March 27, 2013 - In the course of the annual balance
sheet press conference SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG (SINGULUS) publishes
its strategy for 2013/2014 as well as the final financial results for
the business year 2012.

In 2013/2014 SINGULUS will focus on the strategic further development
of the existing product portfolio and will pursue a clear
forward-looking strategy.

Strategy and outlook in the core segments In the future, Blu-ray
Discs with a storage volume of 100 GB will be required as a storage
medium for movie content for 4K television sets with Ultra High
Resolution (3.840 x 2.160 pixels) and will therefore extend the life
cycle of the Blu-ray memory technology. SINGULUS will develop a new
generation of production machines for the manufacturing of Blu-ray
Discs with a higher storage capacity.

In the Semiconductor division, on the one hand SINGULUS works on new
applications of vacuum coating technology with the TIMARIS and
ROTARIS lines, such as for sensors, inductors and thin-film
write/read heads. On the other hand, the TIMARIS machine platform
will be further progressed for the projected industrial mass
production of MRAM wafers and offered to potential customers. For
both goals there are specific projects which are being discussed.

A particular focus rests on the market for solar cells. The sales
market for machines for the production of photovoltaic cells will
remain difficult for some time.

The strategy to take advantage of the know-how gained in the area of
optical storage media relating to vacuum coating, automation and
process integration and to use this for the development of new,
efficient solar production equipment has proven to be absolutely
productive and correct. While the market for production equipment of
photovoltaic cells slumped by two thirds globally in 2012 compared
with the previous year, in 2012 SINGULUS was still able to achieve
about 80 % of the order intake of the previous year and therefore
expanded its relative market share. Numerous new machine developments
were sold in 2012. SINGULUS is increasingly consulted as a
development partner for highly efficient solar cells and chosen as
the preferred machine supplier by leading solar cells producers for
the resulting machines.

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck, Chief Executive Officer of SINGULUS
TECHNOLOGIES AG, comments: "We are one of the few companies in the
solar market able to both equip efficiently running factories with
our machines for the manufacturing of CIS/CIGS thin-film modules as
well as to offer single machines and turn-key lines for the
production of next generation crystalline solar cells."

With important key orders from Germany, Korea, India, South Africa
and the US, SINGULUS has occupied relevant starting points in the
past year for additional projects in the coming years. On the basis
of the development in the past business year the strengthening of the
position as one of the leading technology provider in the future will
be continued, which will position SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES in a way so
that amid recurring investment activities the company will be present
at key customers with its leading concepts and processes.

Solar will once again become a growth market for SINGULUS
TECHNOLOGIES in the future, while the company will benefit
disproportionately on the basis of the completed developments.

Overview business results 2012 Sales amounted to EUR 108.6 million
and were therefore below previous year's level (previous year: EUR
160.0 million). The earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)
amounted to EUR -60.5 million (previous year: EUR 6.7 million).
Adjusted for restructuring and impairment charges as well as for
other extraordinary expenses in the amount of EUR 43.9 million in
total, an adjusted EBIT of EUR -16.6 million resulted for the
business year 2012. The earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation
and appreciation (EBITDA) amounted to EUR -33.8 million in the
business year 2012 (previous year: EUR 18.5 million). On an adjusted
basis the EBITDA for 2012 came to EUR -5.2 million (previous year:
EUR 18.5 million).

The shareholders' equity in the Group declined by EUR 60.7 million in
the course of the period under review and stood at EUR 77.2 million
as of December 31, 2012 (previous year: EUR 137.9 million). The
equity ratio stands at 37.4 % following 75.6 % in the previous year,
which is caused by the negative net result and the increased balance
sheet total, amongst others due to the rise in liquid funds from the
issuance of the bond.

In the business year 2012 the operating cash flow of the Group of EUR
-0.4 million was negative and thus lower than in the previous year
(previous year: EUR 7.5 million). This decline is due to the
significantly lower business activities in the group of companies.
The results burdening extraordinary charges only resulted in cash
outflows and therefore to a burden of the operating cash flow to a
small extent so far.

In total, cash and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 55.9 million
overall at the end of the period under review. Furthermore,
additional EUR 17.6 million were temporarily guaranteed in blocked
accounts at that point in time and served as security for
pre-payments received for current orders.

Further growth secured in the long-term through financing Following
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES' complete repayment of liabilities owed to
business banks in 2011, the financing of the company was established
on a solid, long-term basis with the issuance of a corporate bond in
2012 with a volume of EUR 60 million. Accordingly, the planned growth
in the existing divisions as well as the expansion into new work
areas are sufficiently financed.

Outlook SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES is a technology leader with its
machines and equipment in the three applications areas Optical Disc,
Semiconductor and Solar. SINGULUS expects to once again grow sales in
2013 compared with 2012 and projects to complete the business year
with an overall slightly positive operating result (EBIT) in the
Group. However, this is subject to substantial sales growth in the
Solar segment.

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Rinck, Chief Executive Officer of SINGULUS
TECHNOLOGIES AG, remarks: "To strengthen the existing business
activities, we will continue to target the development of innovative
products and open new application areas and markets. Clearly, the
strategic further development of the existing product portfolio is in
the focus for the business year 2013".

SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES continues to expand its know-how in vacuum
coating, the automation and process technology as well as the
integration of manufacturing lines in order to develop new work
areas. Other areas of applications are in the focus for a potential

At a Glance - Consolidated Key Figures

| | |2011 |2012 |
|Sales |in |160.0 |108.6 |
| |million | | |
| |EUR | | |
|Order intake |in |151.6 |121.9 |
| |million | | |
| |EUR | | |
|Order backlog |in |26.8 |40.1 |
| |million | | |
| |EUR | | |
|EBIT |in |6.7 |-60.5 |
| |million | | |
| |EUR | | |
|EBITDA |in |18.5 |-33.8 |
| |million | | |
| |EUR | | |
|Earnings before |in |5.6 |-63.8 |
|taxes |million | | |
| |EUR | | |
|Net profit/loss |in |5.6 |-61.6 |
| |million | | |
| |EUR | | |
|Operating cash flow|in |7.5 |-0.4 |
| |million | | |
| |EUR | | |
|Shareholders' |in |137.9 |77.2 |
|equity |million | | |
| |EUR | | |

The Annual Report 2012 for the SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG is available as a pdf-
file for download from the homepage www.singulus.de.

SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG, Hanauer Landstrasse 103,
D-63796 Kahl/Main, ISIN: DE0007238909, WKN: 723890
Maren Schuster, Investor Relations, Tel.: + 49 (0) 6188 440 612,
Bernhard Krause, Corporate Communications,
Tel.: + 49 (0) 6181 98280 20 / +49 (0) 170 9202924

Further inquiry note:
Bernhard Krause
Tel.: + 49 (0) 6181 98280 20
E-Mail: Bernhard.Krause@go-metacom.de

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: Singulus Technologies Aktiengesellschaft
Hanauer Landstrasse 103
D-63796 Kahl am Main
phone: +49 (0)1709202924
FAX: +49 (0)6188 440-110
mail: bernhard.krause@go-metacom.de
WWW: http://www.singulus.de
sector: Technology
ISIN: DE0007238909
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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