
EANS-News: Epigenomics AG / Predictive Biosciences launches prostate cancer test based on Epigenomics' DNA methylation marker

Geschrieben am 29-01-2013

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Company Information/New Products/molecular diagnostics

Berlin, Germany, Seattle, WA, and Lexington, MA, U.S.A. (euro adhoc)
- Epigenomics AG (Frankfurt Prime Standard: ECX), the German-American
cancer molecular diagnostics company, and Predictive Biosciences, an
innovative developer of molecular diagnostic tests, today announced
that Predictive Biosciences of Lexington, MA, has made commercially
available a novel tissue-based test for prostate cancer biopsy
confirmation utilizing Epigenomics' proprietary DNA methylation
marker GSTP1.

Pierre Cassigneul, Chief Executive Officer of Predictive Biosciences,
stated: "We are excited to build upon our existing CertNDx?
commercial franchise in bladder cancer, with the first of several
novel tests we plan to commercialize over the next few years which
will address the significant unmet diagnostic clinical needs in
prostate cancer".

Additionally, Noel Doheny, Chief Executive Officer of Epigenomics' US
subsidiary, commented: "We are pleased that Predictive Biosciences
has successfully moved forward to introduce their assay based on
Epigenomics' intellectual property into the market. This further
demonstrates the growing importance of DNA methylation based tests in
cancer diagnostics".

- Ends -

Contact Epigenomics AG

Antje Zeise
Manager IR | PR
Epigenomics AG
Tel +49 (0) 30 24345 368

About Predictive Biosciences Predictive Biosciences develops novel
molecular diagnostic cancer assays and provides molecular pathology
services for urology-based practices. Leveraging a portfolio of
patented biomarkers and clinical approaches, the company has built a
unique portfolio of assays for cancer management, first targeted at
bladder and prostate cancer. For additional information, please visit

About Epigenomics Epigenomics (www.epigenomics.com) is a molecular
diagnostics company developing and commercializing a pipeline of
proprietary products for cancer. The Company's products enable
doctors to diagnose cancer earlier and more accurately, leading to
improved outcomes for patients. Epigenomics' lead product, Epi
proColon®, is a blood-based test for the early detection of
colorectal cancer, which is currently marketed in Europe and is in
development for the U.S.A. The Company's technology and products have
been validated through multiple partnerships with leading global
diagnostic companies including Abbott, QIAGEN, Sysmex, and Quest
Diagnostics. Epigenomics is an international company with operations
in Europe and the U.S.A.

Epigenomics legal disclaimer This communication expressly or
implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements concerning
Epigenomics AG and its business. Such statements involve certain
known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could
cause the actual results, financial condition, performance or
achievements of Epigenomics AG to be materially different from any
future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by
such forward-looking statements. Epigenomics AG is providing this
communication as of this date and does not undertake to update any
forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new
information, future events or otherwise.

The information contained in this communication does not constitute
nor imply an offer to sell or transfer any product, and no product
based on this technology is currently available for sale by
Epigenomics in the United States or Canada. The analytical and
clinical performance characteristics of any Epigenomics product based
on this technology which may be sold at some future time in the U.S.
have not been established.

Further inquiry note:
Antje Zeise | CIRO
Manager IR/PR
Epigenomics AG
Tel: +49 30 24345 386

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: Epigenomics AG
Kleine Präsidentenstraße 1
D-10178 Berlin
phone: +49 30 24345-0
FAX: +49 30 24345-555
mail: ir@epigenomics.com
WWW: http://www.epigenomics.com
sector: Biotechnology
ISIN: DE000A1K0516
indexes: Prime All Share, Technology All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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