
EANS-Adhoc: Miba Aktiengesellschaft / Changes on the Management Board of Miba AG as of July 1, 2013

Geschrieben am 24-01-2013

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Management Changes/Generation change on and reduction in the size of
the Management Board 24.01.2013


Changes on the Management Board of Miba AG as of July 1, 2013

Laakirchen, January 24, 2013. At its meeting today, the Supervisory
Board of Miba AG approved the following changes to the Management
Board of Miba AG, strategic partner to the international engine and
automotive industry and listed in the standard market auction segment
of Wiener Börse AG:

Effective July 1, 2013, Chairman of the Management Board Peter
Mitterbauer (70) will resign from the Management Board of Miba AG and
he will pass on the chairmanship to his son, F. Peter Mitterbauer

F. Peter Mitterbauer studied engineering economics and mechanical
engineering at the Vienna University of Technology and graduated from
the MBA program at the Business School Insead. After gathering five
years of solid experience at other international companies, he joined
Miba in 2006. Subsequent to the ensuing one-year deployment at the
Miba site in China (Suzhou) and serving as Managing Director Sales &
Marketing for three years in the Friction Group, he held
responsibility on the Management Board for the friction business
since 2011 as CEO of the Friction Group.

Likewise effective July 1, 2013, Markus Hofer (41), Vice President
Corporate Finance since October 2011, will be appointed Chief
Financial Officer. On the Management Board of Miba AG, he will assume
full responsibility for Corporate Finance, IT, Business Excellence,
and the Internal Control System.

Board Member Norbert Schrüfer will depart from the Management Board
of Miba AG when his contract expires on January 31, 2013,
concurrently with the planned size reduction of this corporate body.
He remains CEO of the New Technologies Group and will serve as Vice
President Innovation & Technology, consistently driving the
innovative technological development of the Miba Group.

Management Board of Miba AG, as of July 1, 2013:

- F. Peter Mitterbauer: Chairman of the Management Board, responsible
for the New Technologies Group and Strategy; Human Capital;
Controlling; Technology & Innovation; Communications

- Wolfgang Litzlbauer: Vice Chairman, responsible for the Bearing,
Friction and Coating Groups; Purchasing

- Harald Neubert: responsible for the Sinter Group; Quality

- Markus Hofer: Chief Financial Officer responsible for Corporate
Finance; IT; Business Excellence; Internal Control System.

end of ad-hoc-announcement ==========================================
====================================== About the Miba Group The
listed Miba AG (WKN 872002) is one of Austria's leading industry and
technology corporations. Established in Laakirchen, Upper Austria, in
1927, today this high-tech Group engineers and produces at more than
20 sites in eleven countries.

Miba products can be found in cars, trucks, construction equipment,
trains, ships, airplanes, and power plants of each of the world's
leading manufacturers. The company specializes in bearings, friction
materials, sintered components, and coatings. In addition, Miba
manufactures passive electronic components, such as resistors and
cooling systems that are needed for energy transmission systems,
among other uses. Furthermore, the company engineers and produces
specialized equipment for high-precision mechanical processing of
major components.

Miba has more than 4,000 employees, half of which are based in
Austria. In the 2011-2012 business year, net income equaled EUR 592.6
million, with earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of EUR 67.0

Further inquiry note:
Head of Corporate Communications and Marketing Services
T: +43/7613/2541-1123
M: +43/664/88455765
mailto: filip.miermans@miba.com

MMag. Markus Hofer
Vice President Corporate Finance
Tel.: +43/7613/2541-1138

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Miba Aktiengesellschaft
Dr.Mitterbauer-Straße 3
A-4663 Laakirchen
phone: 07613/2541-0
FAX: 07613/2541-1010
mail: info@miba.com
WWW: www.miba.com
sector: Industrial Components
ISIN: AT0000734835
indexes: Standard Market Auction
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English


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