
KfW IPEX-Bank finances greener chemicals

Geschrieben am 23-01-2013

Frankfurt am Main (ots) -

- Modernisation investment by the Dutch AkzoNobel group
- Changeover to environmentally friendly production process at
Höchst industrial park
- Funds from KfW Environmental Programme

KfW IPEX-Bank is providing the financing for an innovative
investment in the form of a EUR 120 million loan. The loan will be
used by AkzoNobel, which has its headquarters in
Amsterdam/Netherlands, to change its chlorine production process at
its location at the Höchst industrial park near Frankfurt. The
mercury amalgam plant used thus far will be replaced by a new
membrane electrolysis plant by the last quarter of 2013.

The state-of-the-art technology will produce electricity savings
of nearly 30% compared to the mercury amalgan process. In addition,
there will be no more traces of mercury in wastewater streams in the
future. The project meets the strict conditions of the KfW
Environmental Programme under which the funds are being provided.

Markus Scheer, member of the Management Board of KfW IPEX-Bank, is
pleased about the successful close of the financing: "We are thrilled
that our financing was able to contribute to a forward-looking
investment in environmental protection and resource conservation by
our long-term client AkzoNobel. The financing of environmental and
climate protection measures forms part of the core business of KfW

AkzoNobel is one of the world's leading specialty chemicals
companies. In Germany the group employs altogether more than 4,000
people at 30 different locations.

About KfW IPEX-Bank

KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH is responsible for international project and
export finance within KfW Bankengruppe. Its function of providing
financing to support the German and European economy is derived from
the legal mandate of KfW Bankengruppe. Its prime focus is on medium
and long-term lending to support the export economy and develop
economic and social infrastructure, and for environmental and climate
protection projects. KfW IPEX-Bank operates as a legally independent
group subsidiary and plays a major role in fulfilling the promotional
mission of KfW Bankengruppe. It has around 570 employees and is
represented in the key economic and financial centres around the

KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH, Palmengartenstraße 5-9, 60325 Frankfurt
Pressestelle: E-Mail: dela.strumpf@kfw.de
Tel. 069 7431-2984, Fax: 069 7431-9409, E-Mail:
Internet: www.kfw-ipex-bank.de


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