
EANS-Adhoc: Valora Holding AG / Valora Services to sell its third-party goods wholesaling business to Lekkerland Schweiz AG

Geschrieben am 23-01-2013

ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
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other/Valora Services to sell its third-party goods wholesaling
business to Lekkerland Schweiz AG 23.01.2013

Valora Services to sell its third-party goods wholesaling business to
Lekkerland Schweiz AG

The Valora Group's Services division currently owns a Sales &
Services Switzerland (wholesale goods) business unit, which is
engaged in wholesale distribution to third-party retailers. This
unit's function has been to provide classical distribution services
to retailers outside the Valora Group. It currently supplies some 650
third-party retail outlets with tobacco, food, beverage and non-food
products. In the 2012 financial year, this unit generated some CHF
100 million in turnover, principally through tobacco-product sales.

Valora decision to withdraw from goods wholesale activities, which
was announced in December 2012, will enable division Valora Services
to focus more closely on its strategic core business of press

Lekkerland, the unit's new owner, has agreed to take on its existing
staff and distribution contracts. Both parties have agreed not to
disclose the purchase price. Valora and Lekkerland are confident that
they will successfully complete this transaction by the second
quarter of this year, subject to agreement from Switzerland's
Competition Commission.

On March 26, 2013, Valora Holding AG will present its definitive
results for 2012 and will provide information on its ongoing
strategic development.

******************************************* Valora - Valora is an
independent consumer-goods trading company operating on a Europe-wide
scale (www.valora.com). - Valora runs three separate business
divisions, all operating in high-volume consumer goods markets. The
Group's activities are focused on those European markets where
modern, mobile lifestyles have become widespread. - Retail division
Market leader in small-outlet and micro-outlet convenience retail,
operating a range of standardised formats at heavily frequented
locations. - Services division Market leader in the distribution of
press products to the Group's own outlets and third party retail. The
division also runs a press and retail goods wholesaling business. -
Trade division Exclusive distributor of branded food and non-food
consumer goods to the retail sector.

******************************************* Lekkerland Lekkerland
(Schweiz) AG, which is based in the Swiss canton of Aargau, is a
member of the German-based Lekkerland Group. The Swiss unit supplies
more than 1,000 filling stations, railway-station shops, motorway
service stations and other convenience stores with tobacco products,
confectionery, beverages, deep-frozen, fresh and ultra-fresh food, as
well as non-food and prepaid products.

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations: Tel: +41 61 467 36 50
Mladen Tomic E-Mail: mladen.tomic@valora.com

Media Relations: Tel: +41 61 467 36 31
Stefania Misteli E-Mail: stefania.misteli@valora.com

Lekkerland Corporate Communications
Inga Koenen Tel: +49 2234 1821 175
E-Mail: inga.koenen@lekkerland.com

Kristina Gardemann Tel: +49 2234 1821 350
E-Mail: kristina.gardemann@lekkerland.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Valora Holding AG
Hofackerstrasse 40
CH-4132 Muttenz
phone: +41 61 467 20 20
FAX: +41 58 789 12 12
mail: info@valora.com
WWW: www.valora.com
sector: Retail
ISIN: CH0002088976
stockmarkets: Main Standard: SIX Swiss Exchange, stock market: BX Berne eXchange
language: English


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