
EANS-News: Oxea GmbH / Fit on the job at Oxea: Chemical company recognized for excellent health management

Geschrieben am 18-01-2013

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

Company Information

Oberhausen (euro adhoc) - Chemical company Oxea today announced that
it has received the Seal of Excellence in the Chemical and
Pharmaceutical Industry category of the prestigious Corporate Health
Awards. Under the patronage of the German Federal Ministry of Labor
and Social Affairs and the New Quality of Work Initiative (INQA), the
Corporate Health Awards are presented each year by TÜV SÜD Life
Service, the German business paper Handelsblatt and EuPD Research to
recognize German companies which have displayed exemplary commitment
to the health of their employees and a forward-looking, sustainable
personnel strategy.

Oxea's health strategy focuses on four different areas: movement,
relaxation, addiction prevention and nutrition. The company offers
courses and special activities in each area, so there is something
for every employee, regardless of whether they are in production and
technology or in administrative and commercial positions. At the end
of each year, the company reviews the activities; popular and
established ones are continued and new ones are added.

"As a result of legal changes to the retirement age and the effects
of demographic change, many people will have to work to the age of
67. We want our health management program to encourage employees to
take an even more active interest in this issue. The goal is to
maintain physical and mental performance on the job and at home. By
following a health program, I am confident that our employees will be
healthier ten years from now and able to work longer," said Dr.
Martina Flöel, spokesperson for the Executive Board of Oxea. "Our
occupational health management program is therefore critical to our
continued success as a company."

Oxea is a global manufacturer of oxo intermediates and oxo
derivatives, such as alcohols, polyols, carboxylic acids, specialty
esters, and amines. These products are used for the production of
high-quality coatings, lubricants, cosmetics and pharmaceutical
products, flavorings and fragrances, printing inks and plastics. In
2011, Oxea generated revenue of about EUR 1.5 billion with its 1,365
employees in Europe, the Americas and Asia.

For more information, visit www.oxea-chemicals.com.

Further inquiry note:
Birgit Reichel
Tel. +49 (0) 208-693-3112

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: Oxea GmbH
Otto-Roelen-Straße 3
D-46147 Oberhausen
phone: +49(0)208 693 3112
FAX: +49(0)208 693 3101
mail: birgit.reichel@oxea-chemicals.com
WWW: http://www.oxea-chemicals.com
sector: Chemicals
ISIN: XS0523636594
stockmarkets: Open Market: Frankfurt
language: English


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