
Record Year for Routes

Geschrieben am 08-01-2013

Manchester, England (ots/PRNewswire) -

Organiser of world's largest civil aviation event aims for further
growth in 2013

Last year was a record year for Routes with more delegates than
ever before attending its World and Regional Route Development
Forums, despite the challenging macro-economic climate and
considerable headwinds for the aviation industry.

A record number of over 5,500 delegates attended the seven events
that Routes organised around the globe in 2012. These forums, which
focus entirely on aviation route development, have become the must
attend events of the year that shape the world's air services.

David Stroud, Executive Vice President of Routes said: "The record
attendance at our events highlights the importance of intelligent
network planning for airlines, airports and tourism authorities. More
and more people in the industry and beyond have grasped the strategic
role that air services play, not just for the aviation sector, but
for regional and national economies around the world. With over
15,000 face-to-face meetings taking place at World Routes alone, we
offer the fastest and most efficient platform for everyone involved
in creating new air links."

"We know the industry has another tough year ahead, but we are
confident that we will be able to welcome even more delegates this
year to our events that will include regional forums on all
continents and an even bigger and better World Routes in Las Vegas."

Highlights of 2012

Over 3,000 delegates including representation from over 300
airlines and 750 airports gathered in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the
UAE at the end of September for World Routes, the 18th World Route
Development Forum. The event, which this year was hosted by Abu Dhabi
Airports Company, is the largest gathering of the commercial air
transport community and the only global event focused on route
development meetings.

During World Routes, the 2nd World Route Development Strategy
Summit in association with ICAO and the World Bank took place. The
event opened with a keynote address from James Hogan, CEO of Etihad
Airways and attending delegates had the opportunity to hear from
almost 50 high level speakers.

With the 10th Routes Asia in Chengdu, China, the 5th Routes
Americas in Nassau, The Bahamas, the 7th Routes Europe in Tallinn,
Estonia, the 7th Routes Africa in Victoria, The Seychelles, and the
second Routes CIS in Ekaterinburg, Russia, five successful Routes
Regional events took place during the year to foster air links within
the world's key regional aviation markets.

Among the highlights of the regional events was Routes Asia in
China which was attended by more airports and airlines than ever
before. The delegation of 672 included over 200 airline delegates
representing 85 airlines from across the Asia region and beyond.
Notable carriers attending the event included, Lion Air and Scoot
which were both attending for the first time along with the four
major carriers; China Southern, Air China, China Eastern. In May, the
Routes Europe Strategy Forum was opened by European Commission
Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for Transport and formerly
Prime Minister of Estonia, opened the event with a keynote address.
July saw the most successful and largest Routes Africa event to date
taking place in Victoria, Seychelles.

The second Invest & Manage took place in London in October,
bringing together a wide range of airports, airport operators and
infrastructure investors from across the world at a pivotal time. The
format of private face-to-face meetings allowed real business to be
done between airports seeking investment and management expertise,
investors looking for airport infrastructure opportunities, and
airport operators aiming to extend their portfolio of managed assets
around the world.

Looking ahead: events in 2013

At least seven events are planned for this year:

- Routes Americas: 10-12 February, Cartagena (Colombia)
- Routes Asia: 17-19 March, Mumbai (India)
- Routes Europe: 12-14 May, Budapest (Hungary)
- Routes CIS: (date and host to be announced soon)
- Routes Africa: 7-9 July, Kampala (Uganda)
- World Routes: 5-8 Oct, Las Vegas (USA)
- Invest & Manage Airports: 4-5 October, Las Vegas (USA)

Future events that have already been announced for 2014 include
Routes Europe (Marseille, France), Routes Asia (Kuching, Malaysia)
and World Routes (Chicago, USA).

Notes to Editors

About Routes

- Routes organises world-renowned airline and airport networking events
through its regional and global Route Development Forums. Each year, there is one
global event and one regional event in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas and CIS
respectively. http://www.routesonline.com

- Routes was founded in 1995 as part of the Manchester UK-based ASM Ltd.,
a consultancy specialising in the field of route development for airports.
http://www.asm-global.com [http://www.asm%E2%80%90global.com ]

- Routes and ASM were acquired by UBM Aviation Worldwide Ltd in August 2010.
From 1st August 2012 Routes, ASM and the Airport Cities Conference and Exhibition
become part of the UBM Live division of UBM plc.

- UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies across
five continents to develop new business, meet customers, launch new products, promote
their brands and expand their markets. Through premiere brands such as MD&M, CPhI,
IFSEC, TFM&A, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show, the Routes portfolio of
events, Airport Cities and many others, UBM Live exhibitions, conferences, awards
programs, publications, websites and training and certification programs are an
integral part of the marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry
sectors. http://www.ubmlive.com

Follow us on twitter: @Routesonline, @TheHUBRoutes,
@VictoriaRoutes, @RouteExchange, @airlineroute

ots Originaltext: UBM Aviation Routes Ltd
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further press information please contact: Victoria Jones, PR
Executive, UBM Aviation Routes Limited T: +44(0)161-234-2730, E:


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