
HOYA, SEIKO and EPSON; Agreements Executed in the Field of Optical Products Business

Geschrieben am 16-11-2012

Tokyo (ots/PRNewswire) -

HOYA Corporation ("HOYA") today executed an agreement with Seiko
Epson Corporation ("EPSON") on the transfer of Epson's eyeglass lens
development and manufacturing to HOYA. The day of the transfer is
planned for the 1st February 2013.

HOYA also executed today an agreement with Seiko Holdings
Corporation ("SEIKO") on the partial ownership of Seiko Optical
Products Co., LTD., ("SOP") a SEIKO's wholly owned subsidiary,
responsible for the sales of the eyeglass-related eyewear and related
product globally. Based on the agreement above HOYA is going to
acquire the 30% share of the SOP on the 1st February 2013, and
additional 20% on the 31st March 2014.

HOYA is going to implement of those agreements on the schedule
mentioned, subject to the necessary approvals from the various
authorities and the completion of preparation.

With the accumulated expertise and knowledge on the development,
manufacturing and sales of the eyeglasses and related products, which
are generated uniquely by EPSON, SEIKO and HOYA, HOYA will commit to
improve the satisfaction of our consumers and customers throughout
the world by enlarging the range of products as well as our service.

This is the follow up of the announcement of the 10th April 2012
that HOYA entered into the basic agreements between EPSON and SEIKO,
to announce definitive agreements have been executed. Please refer to
the previous release which you can find in our website for further

"Basic Agreement executed in the field of eyewear business aiming
to promote the Japanese distinctive brand and optical technologies


Separate disclosure has been made today regarding the agreement
with SEIKO at the Tokyo Stock Exchange according to the Rules on
Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed
Securities. http://www.hoya.co.jp/english/news/2012/20121116.pdf

ots Originaltext: Hoya Corporation
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Ms. Akiko Maeyama, Hoya Investor Relations - Tel:
+81-(0)3-3232-0062, Email: akiko.maeyama@mb.hoya.co.jp


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