
Prionics: New test to combat scrapie and mad cow disease in sheep and goats

Geschrieben am 14-11-2012

Schlieren-Zurich (ots) - An innovative new test is now available
to detect TSE (scrapie and mad cow disease) in sheep and goats. With
the Prionics®-Check PrioSTRIP SR, Prionics brings to the market the
first test to achieve high diagnostic sensitivity on preclinical TSE
cases. The test was approved today by the European Commission for use
in TSE testing in small ruminants*. The Prionics®-Check PrioSTRIP SR
can detect scrapie earlier than conventional tests and will therefore
significantly contribute to TSE control programs.

The Prionics®-Check PrioSTRIP SR was extensively tested in a
laboratory evaluation directed by the European Commission. The
product fulfilled all the requirements of the EU evaluation and has
now been approved as a rapid test for detection of TSE in the central
nervous system of small ruminants (i.e. sheep and goats).

Superior detection of preclinical scrapie

The Prionics®-CHECK PrioSTRIP SR detected EU reference samples of
classical and atypical scrapie in sheep and goats as well as BSE in
sheep with a sensitivity and specificity of 100%. The Prionics®-
CHECK PrioSTRIP SR also proved to be the first test kit to achieve a
high diagnostic sensitivity on preclinical TSE cases. Most
importantly, the test can detect infection as early as 7 months post
exposure, which is earlier - during the incubation period - than the
reference tests. "Early detection of scrapie is a critical factor in
disease control programs" says Ernst Zollinger, Head of Marketing and
Sales at Prionics. "In contrast to BSE, scrapie is an outbreak
disease which could not be eliminated for centuries. The earlier the
infection is detected means that the costs associated with managing
scrapie can be minimized."

PrioSTRIP®SR: Fast and simple

The Prionics®-Check PrioSTRIP SR is not only the most sensitive
test, but is also the fastest and simplest sheep TSE test on the
market, making it an excellent tool to monitor the incidence of TSE
in small ruminants. This fast high throughput laboratory assay
delivers results in just over one hour and is based on
immunochromatography, using antibody-mediated detection of scrapie
and BSE prions. The Prionics®-Check PrioSTRIP SR is an economical
test as it requires only minimal laboratory equipment and produces
little waste. This fast and convenient test uses the same technology
as the established and successful PrioSTRIP® test for BSE in cattle,
meaning that the same test principle can be used for the detection of
BSE in cattle and TSE in small ruminants.

About TSE in small ruminants

Small ruminants (sheep and goats) can be infected with scrapie or
BSE under natural circumstances. While scrapie is thought to be non-
infectious to humans, it is unclear whether BSE in sheep and goats
could cause Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, similar to that of
BSE in cattle. Small ruminant testing programs, initiated by the
European Community to identify the incidence of TSE in sheep and
goats, are ongoing.

About Prionics

Prionics AG, based in Zurich, Switzerland, is a leading provider
of farm animal diagnostics and is a recognized center of expertise in
BSE and prion diseases. Prionics produces and markets innovative
diagnostic solutions for major farm animal diseases, aiding in the
protection of consumer health. Prionics is the main sponsor of the
16th International Symposium of the World Association of Veterinary
Laboratory Diagnosticians in Berlin June 5-8, 2013.

For more information please visit www.prionics.com


Marjan van der Haar,
PhD Marketing Communications
Tel.: +41/44/200'20'57
Mobile: +41/79/352'53'16
E-Mail: media@prionics.com


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