
Industry Leaders Unite for World Route Development Strategy Summit

Geschrieben am 15-08-2012

Manchester, England (ots/PRNewswire) -

This year's World Route Development Strategy Summit (WRDSS),
taking place on Sunday 30 September to 1 October, will bring together
thought leaders and decision makers from across the aviation sector
under one roof to participate in discussions and debates that will
set the commercial and political agenda for the industry.

Building on the phenomenal success of last year's event, the
WRDSS, which this year takes place in Abu Dhabi alongside the World
Route Development Forum, will reinforce itself as the global
thought-leadership platform for airlines, airports, governments,
network planning, travel and tourism, air cargo, and economic
development authorities and will provide the perfect platform for
facilitates networking and learning.

Over 400 of the most informed minds in aviation will gather under
the same roof to debate and discuss how they can work together to
develop successful strategies for overcoming the challenges that the
aviation industry has and will face in the coming 12-18 months, as
well as capitalising on the opportunities available in growth markets
and new technologies. The summit will tackle key topics such as
taxation, rising oil prices, aeropolitics, environmental factors,
sustainable route development, economic development, and general
regional perspectives on aviation and its continued industry growth.

The Conference speakers' list includes renowned names in the
international aviation community from airlines, airports, air
transport regulatory bodies and organisations such as James Bennett,
Chief Executive Officer, Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC); James
Hogan, Chief Executive Officer, Etihad; Rosemarie S. Andolino,
Commissioner, Chicago Department of Aviation; Alex Cruz, Chief
Executive Officer, Vueling; Olivier Jankovec, Director General, ACI
Europe; Chris Zweigenthal, Chief Executive, Airlines Association of
Southern Africa and Dr. Mauricio Emboaba Moreira, Senior Advisor, GOL
Transportes Aereos to name a few.

James E. Bennett, Chief Executive Officer of ADAC, commented:
"ADAC is proud to host the World Route Development Forum and the
Strategy Summit as it provides us with a unique opportunity to
welcome key prestigious aviation experts here in Abu Dhabi." Bennett
added: "Alongside the agenda of meetings and networking
opportunities, the Strategy Summit will provide an excellent platform
for aviation specialists from around the globe to discuss current and
future opportunities and challenges facing the air transport industry
on an international, regional and local scale. Being in the heart of
the fastest growing region in aviation worldwide, Abu Dhabi is the
right place for people to meet."

Notes to Editors

About Routes

- Routes organises world-renowned airline and airport networking events
through its regional and global Route Development Forums. Each year, there is one
global event and one regional event in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas and CIS
respectively. http://www.routesonline.com

- Routes was founded in 1995 as part of the Manchester UK-based ASM Ltd., a
consultancy specialising in the field of route development for airports.

- Routes and ASM were acquired by UBM Aviation Worldwide Ltd in August 2010.
Routes is a UBM Aviation brand. UBM Aviation specialises in the supply of data and
information products, market intelligence, news and events related to the global
aviation industry. More information can be found at http://www.ubmaviation.com

For further press information please contact:
Victoria Jones
PR Executive
UBM Aviation Routes Limited
T: +44(0)161-234-2730
E: pr@routesonline.com
Follow us on twitter:

ots Originaltext: UBM Aviation Routes Ltd
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