
Major European Low Cost Airlines Now Confirmed for World Routes 2012

Geschrieben am 26-07-2012

Manchester, England (ots/PRNewswire) -

World Routes, 18th World Route Development Forum will take place
from 29th September to 2nd October 2012 and is hosted by Abu Dhabi
Airports Company (ADAC) and supported by official carrier Etihad
Airways and Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority. World Routes is
the largest global event of its kind which this year will take place
in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, one of the
most easily accessible and centrally located cities on earth.

Wizz Air the largest low-fare, low-cost airline in Central and
Eastern Europe have just confirmed their registration for World
Routes in Abu Dhabi, they complete a contingent of all of the major
European Low Cost Carriers who are signed up to the event. easyJet,
Wizz, Norwegian, Vueling and Germanwings will all host tables at the
event to take meetings with airports and tourism authorities to
decide the future of Europe's air services. This consolidates a very
strong European airline presence with majors British Airways, Iberia,
Lufthansa, Air France/KLM, Air Berlin, Swiss, SAS, LOT Polish all
signed up.

Up to 300 airlines are expected to join them in Abu Dhabi
including a strong presence from the Americas with all four US majors
coming; American Airlines, US Airways, Delta Airlines, and United,
the world's largest carrier. From Latin America, Copa and Aeromexico
are sending high level delegation and within Asia there is a strong
Chinese presence with China Southern, China Eastern, Hainan, Air
China as well as major carriers such as Malaysia Airlines, Philippine
Airlines, JAL, ANA, Vietnam Airlines and Hong Kong Airlines. The
Middle East is also well represented with Emirates, Etihad, Qatar,
Gulf Air, Flydubai plus some smaller airlines such as Air Arabia
(first timer) and Bahrain Air.

In addition to the one to one meetings at the event some of the
key airlines attending will be delivering Route Exchange Airline
Briefings, these briefings are unique to Routes events and offer
airlines the chance to brief airports and their destinations on their
future plans and potential opportunities.

Paul Winfield, Airline Relations Director for Routes commented
"We are delighted that Europe's Low Cost Airlines have now confirmed
their attendance at World Routes this year, this shows the commitment
of these airlines to meet with airports and destinations to gather
data and information that will directly affect the world's future air

With the event expected to attract 3,000 delegates, 1,000
airports, 300 airlines, 200 tourism authorities and 250 CEOs, World
Routes, the flagship event of the UBM Aviation Routes business, will
be the largest event of its kind to date and the airline community is
signing up in force.

Notes to Editors

About Routes

Routes organises world-renowned airline and airport networking
events through its regional and global Route Development Forums. Each
year, there is one global event and one regional event in Asia,
Africa, Europe, the Americas and CIS respectively.

Previous World Routes have included; Cannes (1995), Abu Dhabi
(1996), Oslo (1997), London (1998), Rome (1999), Amsterdam (2000),
Dublin (2001), Athens (2002), Edinburgh (2003), Madrid (2004),
Copenhagen (2005), Dubai (2006), Stockholm (2007), Kuala Lumpur
(2008), Beijing (2009), Vancouver (2010), Berlin (2011).

Routes was founded in 1995 as part of the Manchester UK?based ASM
Ltd., a consultancy specialising in the field of route development
for airports. http://www.asm?global.com
[http://www.asm%E2%80%90global.com ]

Routes and ASM were acquired by UBM Aviation Worldwide Ltd in
August 2010. Routes is a UBM Aviation brand. UBM Aviation specialises
in the supply of data and information products, market intelligence,
news and events related to the global aviation industry. More
information can be found at http://www.ubmaviation.com

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ots Originaltext: UBM Aviation Routes Ltd
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further press information please contact: Victoria Jones, PR
Executive, UBM Aviation Routes Limited, T: +44(0)161-234-2730, E:


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