
First Clinical Data for BACE Inhibitor E2609 Showcased at International Alzheimer's Conference

Geschrieben am 24-07-2012

Hatfield, England (ots/PRNewswire) -

Eisai's new investigational molecule discovered and

collaboratively in the UK and Japan

Eisai in Europe today releases the first clinical data for E2609,
a BACE (beta-site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme)
inhibitor, presented during oral sessions at the Alzheimer's
Association International Conference (AAIC) 2012 in Vancouver,
Canada. This novel compound was discovered through a collaborative
partnership between centres in Britain, Japan and the United States
(US). Eisai's European Knowledge Centre is in Hatfield, UK.

Eisai has one of the largest private dementia research groups in
Britain. Through collaborative efforts with partners in the UK and
colleagues in Japan, this group has been a part of key neurological
discoveries including the potential new treatment for epilepsy,
Fycompa(R) (perampanel), and now E2609.

Amyloid beta (Abeta) deposition in the brain is thought to be one
of the causes of Alzheimer's disease. It is expected that developing
a new treatment for Alzheimer's disease which reduces amyloid beta
will not only improve symptoms, but also help slow down the
progression of the disease. E2609 may reduce the overall amount of
amyloid beta by inhibiting BACE.

The two E2609 Phase I studies presented at the AAIC 2012
comprised a single oral ascending dose study (SAD, Study A001-001)[1]
and a 14-day multiple oral ascending dose study (MAD, Study
A001-002).[1] The SAD study showed a reduction in plasma amyloid beta
levels, whilst the MAD study showed a statistically significant
reduction of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) amyloid beta levels.[1] Both
studies showed a dose-related increase in plasma drug exposure. These
Phase I study results confirm E2609 'Proof of Mechanism' for
preventing amyloid beta production by BACE inhibition in humans.

"These 'First in Human' data for E2609 are encouraging as they
suggest the compound has potential in treating the underlying cause
of disease and slowing cognitive decline. Halting disease progression
is the key area of research for dementia experts, and it is an
exciting collaboration between teams in the UK, US and Japan. This
Eisai developed treatment may, in the future, play a part in tackling
this key area of unmet need," said researcher Dr Robert Lai, Senior
Director, Neuroscience Product Creation Unit (PCU) at Eisai's
European Knowledge Centre.

Study A001-001 was a randomised, double-blind,
placebo-controlled, single ascending dose study conducted in 73
healthy adult volunteers. Subjects were divided into nine cohorts to
receive E2609 doses of between 5 mg to 800 mg. Plasma amyloid beta
[amyloid Beta(1-x)] levels were measured prior to patients receiving
E2609 and then at multiple time points up to 144 hours post-dose. The
maximum dose-dependent reduction of plasma amyloid beta (1-X)
relative to baseline was 52% at 5 mg, and 92% at 800 mg. E2609 showed
acceptable tolerability across all doses, and the most common adverse
events included headache and dizziness.[1]

Study A001-002 was a randomised, double-blind,
placebo-controlled, multiple ascending dose study conducted in 50
healthy adult volunteers. Subjects were divided into five cohorts,
with each cohort receiving E2609 doses of between 25 mg and 400 mg
per day for 14 days. The study measured amyloid beta levels both in
plasma and CSF. Preliminary interim analysis results showed that
E2609 demonstrated a clear reduction in plasma amyloid beta (1-X)
levels and a dose-dependent reduction in CSF amyloid Beta(1-X) in
subjects who received daily doses of between 25 mg and 200 mg. The
percentage decrease in CSF amyloid Beta(1-x) after 14 days dosing
compared to baseline was statistically significant, with E2609
demonstrating a 46.2%, 61.9%, 73.8% and 79.9% difference in
percentage decrease compared to placebo in the 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg
and 200 mg cohorts, respectively. No clinically significant safety
concerns were observed following repeated oral dosing of up to 200
mg. Several cases of orolabial herpes relapse were observed in the
200 mg cohort, however, while being evaluated, the significance of
these cases is unknown as the blind remains unbroken on the safety

Alzheimer's disease remains an area with a large number of unmet
medical needs and the discovery and development of E2609 underscores
Eisai's human health care mission, the company's commitment to
innovative solutions in disease prevention, cure and care for the
health and well-being of people worldwide. Aiming to develop
next-generation Alzheimer's disease treatments, Eisai is also
pursuing the development of the novel monoclonal antibody BAN2401
targeting amyloid beta protofibrils, and other compounds in addition
to E2609, as it seeks to make further contributions to address the
diversified needs of, and increase the benefits provided to,
Alzheimer's disease patients and their families.

About Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia. This
irreversible, progressive brain disorder gradually destroys memory,
reasoning and thinking skills, and may eventually leave patients
unable to carry out even the simplest tasks.[2] There were an
estimated 7.2 million people in the EU living with dementia in 2008,
costing the region's economy an estimated EUR160 billion per year, of
which 55% is informal care provided by family members, friends or

About Eisai in Alzheimer's disease

Since launching the Alzheimer's disease treatment Aricept(R),
Eisai has been committed to enhancing the value that the drug
provides patients through the development of new formulation types
carrying out disease awareness-raising activities aimed at promoting
early diagnosis and treatment, and the improvement of diagnostic
technologies. In addition, Eisai is pursuing the development of novel
compounds to make further contributions to address the diversified
needs of, and increase the benefits provided to, Alzheimer's disease
patients and their families.

About Eisai

Eisai is one of the world's leading R&D-based pharmaceutical
companies and has defined its corporate mission as "giving first
thought to patients and their families and to increasing the benefits
health care provides," which we call human health care (hhc). Eisai
recently expanded their UK Hatfield facility which now supports the
company's growing European, Middle Eastern, African and Russian
(EMEA) business.

Eisai concentrates its R&D activities in three key areas:

- Neuroscience, including: Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis,
neuropathic pain, epilepsy, depression
- Oncology including: anticancer therapies; tumour regression, tumour
suppression, antibodies, etc and supportive cancer therapies; pain relief, nausea
- Vascular/Immunological reaction including: acute coronary syndrome,
atherothrombotic disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Crohn's disease

With operations in the U.S., Asia, Europe and its domestic home
market of Japan, Eisai employs more than 11,000 people worldwide. In
Europe, Eisai undertakes sales and marketing operations in over 20
markets, including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway,
Portugal, Iceland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Netherlands,
Belgium, Luxembourg, the Middle East and Russia.

For further information please visit our web site


1. Eisai Data on File

2. National Institute on Aging (NIA). Alzheimer's Disease
Factsheet. NIH Publication No 08-6423. Reprinted February 2010

3. Alzheimer Europe: European Collaboration on Dementia: Cost of
illness and burden of dementia: Anders Wimo, Karolinska Institutet,
Linus Jönsson, I3 Innovus and Anders Gustavsson, Senior Analyst, I3
Innovus. Available at: http://www.alzheimer-europe.org/Our-Research/E
mentia/Cost-of-illness-and-burden-of-dementia. Last accessed July

Date of preparation: July 2012

Job code: Corporate-UK2005

ots Originaltext: Eisai Europe Limited
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Media Enquiries: Eisai Europe Ltd, Cressida Robson,
+44(0)7908-314-155, Cressida_Robson@eisai.net; Tonic Life
Siobhan Reilly / Leah Peyton, +44(0)207-798-9999/ +44(0)7788-191434,
siobhan.reilly@toniclc.com / leah.peyton@toniclc.com


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