
Independent Research Confirms ATC Global Delivers What the Industry Wants

Geschrieben am 20-07-2012

London (ots/PRNewswire) -

The 23rd ATC Global Exhibition and Conference, 12-14 March 2013,
Amsterdam RAI, is reaping the benefits of delivering strong returns
for its exhibitors with a recent boost in enquiries and bookings.
This goes hand in hand with the results from a survey recently
conducted by Fusion Communications that reveals customer satisfaction
at a high of 98% for ATC Global 2012.

The survey, released today, found that 95% of visitors felt ATC
Global, the annual event for the ATM industry, met or exceeded their
expectations and 91% described the exhibition as good or excellent.
83% of visitors went on to express their intention to attend in 2013
and as of today, over 110 market leading companies have already
confirmed their presence at ATC Global 2013.

Paula Milburn, ATC Global's Director, said, "We are delighted to
see such high levels of customer satisfaction. We take enormous
trouble to consult directly with our customers and accurately reflect
the needs of the ATM industry while designing the exhibition. ATC
Global has grown with the industry in the past 22 years, offering a
neutral platform to share learnings, network and debate the key
issues. Our 2013 event will build on this outstanding heritage,
whilst offering new services for all attendees."

This ATC Global is in the unique position to unite the entire
buying and influencing chain. The survey shows that 74% of exhibitors
from the 2012 event confirmed they "saw visitors at the show that we
wouldn't see anywhere else". While 84% said ATC Global is excellent
for finding new products and services.

The exhibition's record for customer loyalty and its reputation
for reaching new business explain why Fusion Communications
discovered that 98% of exhibitors rate ATC Global as an important
event and 82% of visitors said ATC Global is the leading ATC/ATM
networking event in the marketplace internationally.

2012 saw a significant increase in new visitors across the
spectrum of ANSPs, civil aviation authorities, airports, airport
authorities and military. For 2013, over 1,700 visitors have already
registered, including senior ANSP representatives from around the

Follow us online at: http://www.facebook.com/atcglobalevent?ref=
; https://twitter.com/#!/atcglob ;

About ATC Global

ATC Global, run by professional event organisers, unites the
world's ATM community, bringing together over 5,500 industry
professionals from regulatory bodies, ANSPs, industry organisations
and suppliers. ATC Global's sole task is to provide a first-class
forum that enables the world's ATM community to do business, share
knowledge and best practices and establish and maintain meaningful

The exhibition attracts hundreds of exhibitors and the number has
consistently grown every year throughout the event's 22-year history.
The conference and workshops examine a wide range of topics, with
speakers drawn from all sections of the industry.

The Advisory Board, made up of industry leaders, ensures the
agenda addresses developments and innovations across the whole

ATC Global 2013 takes place in Amsterdam 12-14 March 2013.

ATC Global is a subsidiary of the global B2B communications and
marketing provider UBM.

For further information go to http://www.atcglobalhub.com

About UBM plc

UBM plc is a leading global business media company. We inform
markets and bring the world's buyers and sellers together at events,
online, in print and provide them with the information they need to
do business successfully. Our 6,000 staff in more than 30 countries
are organised into specialist teams that serve specific communities,
helping them to do business and their markets to work effectively and

For further information (not for publication) contact:
ATC Global
Hazel Miller
Marketing Manager
Tel: +44-(0)20-7921-8522
Email : hazel.miller@ubm.com
Charlie Pryor
Tel : +44(0)20-7031-8270
Email : charlie.pryor@leidar.com
Skype: LEIDAR_Charlie

ots Originaltext: ATC Global
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