
EANS-Adhoc: Polytec Holding AG / Disclosure of the resolution of the 12th Annual General Meeting about the authorization of the management board to buy back own shares

Geschrieben am 29-05-2012

ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this


The 12th Annual General Meeting of POLYTEC HOLDING AG on May 16, 2012
has passed the resolution that authorizes the management board, to
buy back own shares according to clause 65 para. 1 item 8 stock
corporation act (Austrian AktG) of up to 10% of the company's share
capital of own ordinary shares during a period of 30 months beginning
with the day of the resolution of the Annual General Meeting to a
lowest price per share of EUR 1 and a highest price, which is not
higher than 10% of the unweighted average closing price of the last 5
trading days. The purchase of own shares can occur via the stock
exchange, in the way of a public offer or any other legal mode for
any legal purpose. The management board was further more authorized
for the cancellation of own shares. The supervisory board is
authorized to enact changes of articles of association concerning the
cancellation of own share.

Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations

end of announcement euro adhoc

issuer: Polytec Holding AG
Linzer Straße 50
A-4063 Hörsching
phone: +43 (0) 7221 / 701-0
FAX: +43 (0) 7221 / 701-0
mail: investor.relations@polytec-group.com
WWW: www.polytec-group.com
sector: Industrial Components
ISIN: AT0000A00XX9
indexes: ATX Prime
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English


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