
NTT Europe Opens Nordic Office

Geschrieben am 21-05-2012

Stockholm (ots/PRNewswire) -


NTT Europe, a wholly owned subsidiary of NTT Communications
Corporation (NTT Com), announced today that it has extended its
global network and cloud solutions into the Nordics and has opened an
office in Stockholm to serve customers in Sweden, Norway, Finland,
and Denmark.

The Nordic region encompasses some of the most stable and
prosperous economies in Europe, supported by thriving manufacturing
and service industries. NTT's network and cloud services can help
these organisations gain greater competitive advantage in their
global operations.

Bob Welton, Regional Director for Northern Europe comments, "NTT
Com's global network and cloud solutions are designed for business
enablement with security at the very core, and will give the Nordic
enterprise market even greater choice. NTT Com is talking to
organisations which are local to the Nordic countries but are
expanding their global operations"

With an established portfolio of global network services and
managed IT solutions, NTT Com's launch into the region provides
businesses with a gateway to worldwide communication. Key services
delivered in the region include Global Private WAN, Tier 1 IP transit
and a comprehensive cloud offering. NTT Com's services are renowned
for their quality and global reach, not only in Europe but also in
APAC and North America regions.

NTT Europe's Nordic launch is further strengthened through
partnership with Secode (wholly owned subsidiary of NTT Com), a
leading provider of managed-security and security-consulting services
within the Nordic markets.

"Managed security services are a key part of all NTT Europe's ICT
solutions as ensuring 24/7 readiness against constantly evolving
security threats is central to business operations. NTT Europe's
collaboration with Secode provides a new level of assurance for our
business network and IT service customers, with security as a core
integrated component." says Welton.

The partnership with Secode provides an established foundation
for NTT Europe's Nordic operations, whilst enabling Secode to bring
managed security service and consulting services to new global

About NTT Europe

NTT Europe is a wholly-owned subsidiary company of NTT
Communications which is the global data and IP services arm of the
Fortune Global 500 telecom leader, Nippon Telegraph & Telephone
Corporation (NTT). NTT Europe is responsible for business in the EMEA
market and provides a world-class Tier-1 Internet backbone, secure
closed networks, security, system integration, network and
application management, managed hosting and global content delivery
services with partner companies globally.

For further information, please visit:

http://www.eu.ntt.com | http://www.twitter.com/ntt_europe |

About NTT Communications Corporation

NTT Communications provides consultancy, architecture, security
and cloud services to optimize the information and communications
technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are
backed by the company's worldwide infrastructure, including IPv4/IPv6
Global Tier-1 IP Network, Arcstar Universal One(TM) VPN network
reaching over 150 countries, and over 120 secure data centers. NTT
Communications' solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group
companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.

For further information, please visit:

http://www.ntt.com | http://www.twitter.com/nttcom |

About Secode AB

Secode, an Integralis Group Company, is the leading independent
IT security provider in the Nordic region. Secode combines global
capabilities with local resources, knowledge and presence, delivering
unique value to their customer across all industries and business
sectors. The company offers 24/7 services for intrusion detection and
prevention, log management, vulnerability analysis, data-loss
prevention, anti-virus and anti-spam, managed VPN/firewall and mobile
security. In addition to its two SOCs, it operates support desks in
local languages in Finland and the Netherlands. Secode also manages a
specialized team for conducting tests and audits, as well as its
staff of consultants who offer a wide range of professional security
services. Secode's focus and high level of innovation enable it to
provide customer with the highest levels of quality, expertise and
flexibility to help the achieve robust, high level information
security, as well as strict compliance with policies, regulations and
laws. Established in 2000, Secode currently today has approximately
90 employees.

For further information, please contact:
Emma Crowe (Media Enquiries)
Marketing Communications Manager - EMEA
NTT Communications
James Wood
NTT Europe, Nordic Office

ots Originaltext: NTT Europe Ltd
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