

Geschrieben am 17-05-2012

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.


SANTA ANA, Calif. and ISMANING, Germany, May 17, 2012 (euro adhoc) -
Identive Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: INVE; Frankfurt: INV), a provider of
products and services for the identification, NFC and payment
markets, today announced details of its participation at the NFC
Solutions Summit, taking place May 22-24, 2012 in Burlingame,
California. The NFC Solutions Summit is a conference and showcase for
near field communication technology organized by the Smart Card
Alliance in partnership with the NFC Forum.

With the industry's most extensive portfolio of infrastructure
products for the emerging NFC ecosystem, Identive is playing a
visible role as a sponsor of the event and as a thought leader in
education sessions and panel discussions. The Company also will be
exhibiting its latest offerings for the NFC market.

On Tuesday, May 22, David Holmes, vice president Mobility & NFC
Solutions for Identive, will participate in a keynote plenary panel
session entitled "NFC Beyond Payments: Will Identity and Data
Exchange Services Outshine the Wallet?" This panel will examine the
many uses for NFC beyond payment and debate how these services will
not just compete but also complement and expand the market for the
digital wallet and mobile phone.

Also on May 22, Rob Zivney, vice president Government & Standards for
Identive, will participate in a media conference on the development
of applications using NFC technology, along with executives from
MasterCard Worldwide, Wells Fargo Bank and Inside Secure.

On Wednesday, May 23, Identive CEO Ayman S. Ashour will exercise his
role as an early evangelist of radio frequency identification (RFID)
technologies to moderate a panel on NFC technology entitled "NFC
Roadmap beyond Early Adoption," with panelists from across the NFC
hardware and software industry.

Also on May 23, Zivney, who serves on the Smart Card Alliance
2012/2013 Mobile & NFC Council Steering Committee, will speak about
the role of smart tags and posters as vital key enablers of the
burgeoning world of NFC applications and services for entertainment,
retail, way finding and more.

About Identive Identive Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: INVE; Frankfurt: INV) is
focused on building the world's signature company in Secure ID. The
company's products, software, systems and services address the
markets for identity management, physical and logical access control,
cashless payment, NFC solutions and a host of RFID-enabled
applications for customers in the government, enterprise, consumer,
education and healthcare sectors. Identive's mission is to build a
lasting business of scale and technology based on a combination of
strong technology-driven organic growth and disciplined acquisitive
expansion. The company delivers up-to-date information on its
activity as well as industry trends through its industry-leading
social media initiatives and educational resource, AskIdentive.com.
For additional information, please visit www.identive-group.com or
follow on Twitter at @IdentiveGroup.

Further inquiry note:
Mr. Lennart Streibel
Tel.: +49 89 9595-5195
E-Mail: lstreibel@identive-group.com

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: Identive Group Inc.
Carnegie Ave., Bldg. B 1900
US-CA 92705 Santa Ana
phone: +1 949 553 4280
FAX: +49 89 9595-5555
mail: investorrelations@identive-group.com
WWW: http://www.identive-group.com
sector: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: US45170X1063
indexes: NASDAQ
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
Nasdaq: New York, Open Market / Entry Standard: Frankfurt
language: English


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