
Ipanema Technologies Will Address Application Performance for Business Efficiency at Interop 2012

Geschrieben am 19-04-2012

Waltham, Massachusetts (ots/PRNewswire) -

David White, Ipanema's President, North American Operations, to
Participate in Panel Discussion on "Redesigning Corporate WANs"

Ipanema Technologies [http://www.ipanematech.com ], the industry
leader in application performance solutions for business efficiency -
today announced that David White, its recently named President of
North American Operations, will be participating in a panel
discussion at the Interop 2012 exhibition and conference [http://www
interop.com/lasvegas/, ] , which takes place in Las Vegas, May 6-10,
2012. White will be among a select group of industry experts, led by
industry authority, Dr. Jim Metzler, who will address the topic of
"Redesigning your WAN." The session will take place at the Mandalay
Bay on Wed., May 9, 2012 from 10:15-11:15 a.m.

The panel will discuss the most promising emerging WAN
technologies and services that are addressing the challenges stemming
from IT transformations and cost reduction constraints (new uses
based on Internet, Unified Communications, SaaS applications, Hybrid
Networks, consolidation of applications and servers from branch
offices into centralized data centers, etc.). The perfect quality and
stability of the experience is critical for end-users' productivity,
day-to-day satisfaction and finally the business. At this end,
guaranteeing performance for each business application is
increasingly difficult because of the dynamicity and variety of the
applications that run over the network (ERP, Unified Communications,
desktop virtualization, file transfers, Internet, etc.) as well as
the complexity of the delivery (on-premise, cloud, hosting,
peer-to-peer, etc.). The growing budget constraints that IT
departments are facing do not help, either.

"Ipanema is taking steps in North America to address the growing
need for guaranteed application performance across today's global
enterprise networks -- an ever-changing technology landscape, made
even more challenging by the adoption of cloud computing and
increasing complexity within IT operations," said White. "Ipanema's
business-driven WAN Governance
[http://www.ipanematech.com/en/wan-governance ] approach reduces
network complexity and enables enterprises to align IT performance
with business objectives. Ipanema protects existing IT investments,
enabling customers to manage their networks at much higher levels of
performance with lower costs."

The panel will be moderated by Dr. Jim Metzler
[http://www.ashtonmetzler.com ], Vice President of Aston Metzler
Associates. Dr. Metzler is widely recognized as an authority on both
network technology and its business applications.

"While the WAN has always been important, its importance is
increasing dramatically as IT organizations use it to support a
significant increase in the deployment of bandwidth hungry
applications such as video and to connect enterprise users to cloud
computing solutions. Ipanema is one of the companies that is driving
significant innovation in the WAN and so I am very pleased to have
them join my Interop panel entitled 'Redesigning the WAN,' said Dr.
Jim Metzler.

Who: Ipanema Technologies' President of North American
Operations, David White

What: Interop 2012 Panel discussion on Redesigning your WAN:
Networking Track

Where: Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas

When: May 9, 2012, 10:15-11:15 a.m.

About Ipanema Technologies

Ipanema provides enterprises with a direct connection between
application performance and their business requirements.

With Ipanema Technologies, enterprises automatically understand
which applications use the network and deliver guaranteed performance
they to each user. Enterprises can support their strategic IT
transformations - like cloud computing and Unified Communications -
and control Internet growth while reducing their IT expenses.

Ipanema's customers range from mid-sized companies up to
enterprises with 1,000s of sites.

Enterprises can get Ipanema products through our reseller
channels. They can use Ipanema "as a Service" through Managed Service
Providers and Telecom Operators' offerings. SMBs/SMEs can access
Ipanema's benefits thanks to the AppsWork[TM] service offering.

For more information, visit: http://www.ipanematech.com.

Ipanema is the trademark of Ipanema Technologies. Other
company names and product names mentioned herein are the
trademarks or registered trademarks of their

respective owners.

Media Contacts:
Wendie Larkin
Topaz Partners

WAN Governance (blog [http://www.wan-governance.com ]) | Ipanema
Users Group (LinkedIn)
[http://www.linkedin.com/groupRegistration?gid=1769548 ] | Follow
Ipanema (Twitter [http://twitter.com/ipanematech ])

ots Originaltext: Ipanema Technologies
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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